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Options after graduating from high school

Pros for higher educationPursue/obtain higher education = get/earn/award a degree To give/provide the rewards of self-improvement = personal improvement/development of character = your mind or body don’t stagnate=to make individuals more

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Слайд 1Options after graduating from high school
Enter University (vocational education)

go into

the Military/join the military

go straight into Workforce

Options after graduating from high schoolEnter University (vocational education)go into the Military/join the militarygo straight into Workforce

Слайд 2Pros for higher education
Pursue/obtain higher education = get/earn/award a degree

To give/provide the rewards of self-improvement = personal improvement/development of

character = your mind or body don’t stagnate=to make individuals more intelligent, to give independence= more self-confidence=expand their knowledge and skills, express their thoughts clearly in speech and in writing
To gain experience = to provide individuals with life skills (essential time management skills, money management skills, problem solving skills) = prepare a student mentally, physically, and emotionally in order to pursue his goals after college, to learn from your mistakes and become an individual)

Pros for higher educationPursue/obtain higher education = get/earn/award a degree To give/provide the rewards of self-improvement =

Слайд 3*important=crucial=essential
To make friends = to meet many other new students

social improvements=importance=higher social standing=respect
To offer more jobs to choose from

= job insurance = more prestigious employment
financial value of higher education = a better paying job = to earn more than nongraduates=to make more money= financial benefits= greater economic stability and security
Opportunity to do sports, to attend different = various clubs, and other activities
the opportunity to study abroad

Pros for higher education

*important=crucial=essentialTo make friends = to meet many other new students social improvements=importance=higher social standing=respectTo offer more jobs

Слайд 4Cons
very expensive
getting later starts to their careers
Hard, takes 4-6 years

path/course, change of heart = wrong
No practical experience, a lot

of theory

Consvery expensivegetting later starts to their careersHard, takes 4-6 yearsWrong path/course, change of heart = wrongNo practical

Слайд 5Pros for joining the army
It’s free, No student loans (education

will be paid for while you are on active duty)

security, job is guaranteed (soldiers are rarely fired and you will always have a job )
Guaranteed Paycheck, Free Rent and Utilities
(1) money for rent and money to cover utilities; money for clothing)
paid vacation, free healthcare, free flights and military discounts (30 days of paid vacation annually)
Opportunity to travel
Different training opportunities
Pros for joining the armyIt’s free, No student loans (education will be paid for while you are

Слайд 6Cons joining the army
Ranking greatly matters in military service (obey

the superior officer)
Standardized rules (Rules in the army apply to

everyone, regardless of race, color disability and whatnot)
Being away from family and friends
Cons joining the armyRanking greatly matters in military service (obey the superior officer)Standardized rules (Rules in the

Слайд 7
Get to work earlier, and save money earlier
(earning a paycheck


Valuable work experience + life experience
No loans, no book to

pay for

Get to work earlier, and save money earlier(earning a paycheck ).ResponsibilityValuable work experience + life experienceNo

Слайд 8Advantages of going straight into the workforce
Feeling left out (most

friends went to college)
Bad career prospects (service job)
Costs associated with

working (gas, car insurance, lunches, uniform etc)

Advantages of going straight into the workforceFeeling left out (most friends went to college)Bad career prospects (service

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