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Past simple

© Cambridge University Press 2015showPast simple regularlaughaskand irregular edfeeledfelt

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Past simple
© Cambridge University Press 2015
and question forms

Past simple© Cambridge University Press 2015and question forms

Слайд 2© Cambridge University Press 2015
Past simple regular

and irregular

© Cambridge University Press 2015showPast simple regularlaughaskand irregular edfeeledfelt

Слайд 3© Cambridge University Press 2015
Read the questions. Then watch the

Who did the teacher show in the picture?
What question

did the teacher ask Olivia?
How did Olivia feel?
Why did the other students laugh?
Did the teacher laugh at Olivia?

Now answer the questions.

© Cambridge University Press 2015Read the questions. Then watch the video. Who did the teacher show in

Слайд 4© Cambridge University Press 2015
Check your answers.
He showed a picture

of Martin Luther King.
‘What problems did he face?’
She felt


Olivia didn’t listen to the teacher’s question.

No, he didn’t.

© Cambridge University Press 2015Check your answers.He showed a picture of Martin Luther King. ‘What problems did

Слайд 5© Cambridge University Press 2015
leave /
Past simple questions
One Direction /

March 2015
Zayn Malik
One Direction in March 2015
Zayn Malik/
Do you know

the answer?


Yes, he did.

© Cambridge University Press 2015leave /Past simple questionsDidOne Direction /in March 2015Zayn MalikOne Direction in March 2015?Zayn

Слайд 6© Cambridge University Press 2015
Past simple questions
No, she wasn’t. She

was born in Texas.
be born/
Beyonce /
in London
in London?
Do you

know the answer?
© Cambridge University Press 2015Past simple questionsNo, she wasn’t. She was born in Texas. be born/Beyonce /in

Слайд 7© Cambridge University Press 2015
Can you remember the rules?
the form

is the same for regular and irregular verbs:
Did you walk

to school this morning?
Did you go to Lisa’s party last night?

Short answers:

are formed with Yes/No + pronoun + did/didn’t
Did you see James yesterday?
Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

are formed with did and the base form of the main verb

© Cambridge University Press 2015Can you remember the rules?Questions:the form is the same for regular and irregular

Слайд 8© Cambridge University Press 2015
1. Who /
2. When /
3. Why /
4. Who

5. Why /
6. What /
7. How /
8. What /
Make past questions.
be /
they leave /

go /
they see /
they feel /
happen /
they get away /
they tell /

the two people
inside the castle
from the castle
their friends

© Cambridge University Press 20151. Who 	/2. When	/3. Why	/4. Who 	/5. Why 	/6. What	/7. How	/8. What	/Make past

Слайд 9© Cambridge University Press 2015
Check your answers.
1. Who were the

two people?
2. When did they leave home?
3. Why did they

go inside the castle?
4. Who did they see inside?
5. Why did they feel frightened?
6. What happened next?
7. How did they get away from the castle?
8. What did they tell their friends?

1. Who /
2. When /
3. Why /
4. Who /
5. Why /
6. What /
7. How /
8. What /

be /
they leave /
they go /
they see /
they feel /
happen /
they get away /
they tell /

the two people
inside the castle
from the castle
their friends

Now answer the questions to make a story.

© Cambridge University Press 2015Check your answers.1. Who were the two people?2. When did they leave home?3.

Слайд 10Speaking
© Cambridge University Press 2015
Work in pairs. Ask and answer

the questions to tell your story.
Who were the two people?

and Jake were best friends.

When did they leave home?

They left home early in the
morning, because …

Speaking© Cambridge University Press 2015Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions to tell your story.Who were

Слайд 11© Cambridge University Press 2015

The publishers are grateful to the

following for permission to reproduce copyright photographs and material:
Slide 5:

©David Fisher/REX; Slide 6: ©Startraks Photo/REX

The publishers are also grateful to Silversun Media Group for the video production.

© Cambridge University Press 2015AcknowledgementsThe publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright photographs

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