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People’s history is the cultural history People’s history is the cultural

In 2015 marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Tambov region. This page presents the glorious history of our homeland, has its roots in the distant pastTambov land began

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Слайд 1

People’s history is

the cultural history

People’s history is
the cultural history

People’s history is

Слайд 2In 2015 marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of

the Tambov region. This page presents the glorious history of

our homeland, has its roots in the distant past

Tambov land began with the ancient Slavic settlements.

In 2015 marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Tambov region. This page presents the

Слайд 3

The present cultural development

of Tambov region began with the arrival of the governor

and the poet Gavrila Derzhavin. That time were opened the main public schools in Tambov, theater, regional printing house, which published the first Russian provincial newspaper.
The present cultural development of Tambov region began with the arrival

Слайд 4

After the war period

The postwar period was characterized by the activities of writers-veterans of the Great Patriotic War.
In 1960 was formed a regional organization of writers, which was headed by Alexander Strygin. Later the Tambov literary organization led Maya Rumyantseva, then over the years - Ivan Kuchin, Viktor Gerasin, Alexander Akulinin.

Слайд 5



Today in Tambov region there are more than 30 professional writers. B.K. Panov, A.E. Shilin, A.M. Akulinin, L.P. Aseeva, V.I. Gerasin, P.S. Gerasimov, V.T. Dorozhkina, A.V. Makarov, I.Z. Elegechev, V.V. Kravchenko, A.J. Kosnevich, A.M. Makarov, E.Y. Nachas, L.V. Polyakov, E.L. Lukankin and others.

Слайд 6 Vyacheslav Bogdanov – Tambov poet, tragically deceased in the

prime of his talent, not had time to realize all

the creative forces inherent in his soul, he managed to express the main thing: the secret thrill and rush of inspiration and fairy passion of the poet.
You can spend hours looking of interesting posts, cycle literary readings, review of the collections of the poets.
The memories of the life and work was published in the book "The Return".

Vyacheslav Bogdanov

Vyacheslav Bogdanov – Tambov poet, tragically deceased in the prime of his talent, not had time

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