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Подготовили студенты группы ТАОП 311:Тетушкина А., Сорокин И.,Хромова

Negative impact of railway transport on the environment Railway transport consumes up to 7% of the produced fuel, 6% of electricity and 4.5% of forest resources. The level of impact

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Слайд 1Подготовили студенты группы ТАОП 311:Тетушкина А.,Сорокин И.,Хромова В.
Проверил преподаватель английского

языка Романова Елена Александровна
Федеральное государственное бюджетное
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«Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения»
Тамбовский техникум железнодорожного транспорта
(ТаТЖТ- филиал РГУПС)

Влияние железнодорожного транспорта на окружающую среду

Подготовили студенты группы ТАОП 311:Тетушкина А.,Сорокин И.,Хромова В.Проверил преподаватель английского языка Романова Елена  Александровна РОСЖЕЛДОРФедеральное государственное

Слайд 2Negative impact of railway transport on the environment
Railway transport

consumes up to 7% of the produced fuel, 6% of

electricity and 4.5% of forest resources. The level of impact of railway transport on the environment is quite high.
Negative impact of railway transport on the environment  Railway transport consumes up to 7% of the

Слайд 3Negative impact of railway transport on the environment
Railway transport

has a negative impact on the environment of all climatic

zones. The adverse environmental impact of rail transport is significantly less. This is primarily due to the fact that Railways are the most economical mode of transport in terms of energy consumption per unit of work. Railway transport faces serious challenges in reducing and preventing environmental pollution.
Negative impact of railway transport on the environment Railway transport has a negative impact on the environment

Слайд 4Environmentally cleaner than others, emits into the atmosphere 20 times

less harmful substances than automobile.

Environmentally cleaner than others, emits into the atmosphere 20 times less harmful substances than automobile.

Слайд 5Railway transport affects the environment
Railway transport affects the environment as

a large consumer of fuel, forest and land resources, mineral

and construction materials. Although compared with other modes of transport, it causes less environmental damage.
Railway transport affects the environmentRailway transport affects the environment as a large consumer of fuel, forest and

Слайд 6Impact of railway transport facilities
The factors of the impact of

railway transport facilities on the environment can be classified according

to the following characteristics: mechanical impact (solid waste, road machinery impact on soil); physical (thermal radiation, electromagnetic fields, ultra and infrasound, vibration, radiation); chemical (acids, alkalis, metal soybeans, hydrocarbons, paints and solvents, pesticides); - biological (macro and microorganisms, bacteria, viruses); aesthetic (violation of landscapes, drainage, waterlogging). These factors can act on nature for a long time.
Impact of railway transport facilitiesThe factors of the impact of railway transport facilities on the environment can

Слайд 7 Wywod
Railway transport has a very significant impact on ecosystems. It

manifests itself in air, water and land pollution in the

construction and operation of Railways.


Carry out atfer along the railway. Land under temporary structures to be subject to reclamation upon complection of construction. Timely dispose of sleepers after repair of railway tracks.

WywodRailway transport has a very significant impact on ecosystems. It manifests itself in air, water

Слайд 8Источники информации

Павлова, Е. И. Экология транспорта : учебник и практикум

для бакалавров / Е. И. Павлова, В. К. Новиков. –

5 – е изд., перераб. и доп. – М. : Издательство Юрайт, 2014. – 479 с.
Интернет - источники
1. http://ekologyprom.ru/uchebno-metodicheskij-kompleks-po-disczipline-lekologiyar/379-vlijanie-zheleznodorozhnogo-transporta-na.html
2. http://biofile.ru/bio/22626.html
4. http://poznayka.org/s48248t1.html
Источники информацииПавлова, Е. И. Экология транспорта : учебник и практикум для бакалавров / Е. И. Павлова, В.

Слайд 9Источники информации

Источники информацииTHANK YOU FOR LISTENING

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