Разделы презентаций

Pr. S.Flament https://www.greyc.fr/user/99 Graduate School of Engineering &

ENSICAEN, locationCaen-Paris : 2h15 Paris- Londres : 1h10 by planeCaen-Londres : 3h45 by boatCaen -Rennes : 2h Caen- Rouen : 1h15 Caen -Nantes : 3h Caen- Marseille : 7h

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Pr. S.Flament
Graduate School of Engineering & Research center

Pr. S.Flamenthttps://www.greyc.fr/user/99Graduate School of Engineering & Research center

Слайд 2ENSICAEN, location
Caen-Paris : 2h15
Paris- Londres : 1h10 by plane
Caen-Londres :

3h45 by boat

Caen -Rennes : 2h Caen- Rouen : 1h15 Caen -Nantes

: 3h Caen- Marseille : 7h
ENSICAEN, locationCaen-Paris : 2h15 Paris- Londres : 1h10 by planeCaen-Londres : 3h45 by boatCaen -Rennes : 2h

Слайд 3Graduate School
of Engineering

Graduate School of EngineeringResearch center&

Слайд 4Graduate School
of Engineering


17500 m2
1300 m2
Graduate School of EngineeringResearch center&     11400 m2

Слайд 5750 Engineering students (Master level)
National competitive selection

85% of teaching

staff : full Prof. or Ass. Prof.

Minimum English level required

(785 TOEIC)
3 months stay abroad required during studies
High quality equipment
Trained for R&D and innovation
20% of Education is Project Oriented

Clubs of industrial partners

International and double degree agreements

Graduate School
of Engineering



750 Engineering students (Master level) National competitive selection85% of teaching staff : full Prof. or Ass. Prof.Minimum

Слайд 6Common Research Labs between :
-University of Caen
- CNRS (

̴ Academy of science )

Staff : 600

including 180 Ph’D students

More than 350 international papers/ year

Research collaboration with industry

Graduate School
of Engineering



Common Research Labs between :	-ENSICAEN	-University of Caen	- CNRS  (  ̴ Academy of science )Staff :

Materials with striking electrical, magnetic or mechanical properties
• E

storage : supraconductors, nanooxydes for batteries
• E recovery : thermoelectricity

Materials for optoelectronics
• Laser materials, polymers, catalysts,

• Organic chemistry
• Molecules of interest for thérapy, agrochemistry,
• Radioactive tracers, Spectrochemistry
• RMN & Raman applied to petrochemistry & depollution
• Environment et sustaining dévelopment

• Nuclear Physics ( hot nuclei, exotic nuclei)
• Nuclear energy, nuclear imaging
• Ion-matter Interaction
• Atoms, molecules, agregates, surfaces, condensed matter, radiobiology

• Computer Science, security
• Image processing
• Sensor design and characterization
• Process control

MATERIAL SCIENCEMaterials with striking electrical, magnetic or mechanical properties• E storage : supraconductors, nanooxydes for batteries• E

Electronics & Applied Physics
Nuclear Engineering
Advanced Instrumentation
Signal, Control, Telecom &

Embedded systems
Communicating systems


Image processing
e-secured banking

Materials science and Chemistry
Materials for Energy
Structured materials
Organic chemistry
Petrochemistry and oil refinement

International Master (In English):
Sustainable nuclear engineering:
Applications & Management
DEGREES Electronics & Applied Physics	Nuclear Engineering	Advanced Instrumentation	Signal, Control, Telecom & Embedded systems	Communicating systems

Слайд 9Experts from corporate world involved in education

Financial support for equipment

or part of scholarships

Experts from corporate world involved in educationFinancial support for equipment or part of scholarships

Слайд 10Outgoing Students
Incoming Students
-3 months stays abroad in laboratories
(250 students

/ year)

-Academic semester in
partner universities

-Double diplomas :



Outgoing StudentsIncoming Students-3 months stays abroad in laboratories 	(250 students / year)-Academic semester in partner universities-Double diplomas

Слайд 11-Academic semester :
( ̴ 15 per year)

-Double diplomas & International

( ̴ 20 per year)

Outgoing Students
Incoming Students

-Academic semester :	( ̴ 15 per year)-Double diplomas & International master:	( ̴ 20 per year)Outgoing StudentsIncoming Students&

Слайд 12 4L Trophy
50 clubs & associations
Science, Culture, Art, Theater performance, Humanitarian...

4L Trophy50 clubs & associations	Science, Culture, Art, Theater performance, Humanitarian...

Слайд 13- A city between land and sea

- Land of challenge

and innovation : the development of the high tech industry,

major fields of competence in further education and research

- 400 000 inhabitants in Caen and its surroundings

24 000 students

Theater, Concert Hall, Cinema centers, Commercial centers,

Football stadium

- A city between land and sea- Land of challenge and innovation : the development of the

Слайд 14Благодарю вас за внимание

I thank you for your attention

Pr. S.Flament


Благодарю вас за вниманиеI thank you for your attentionPr. S.Flamenthttps://www.greyc.fr/user/99C. Guntherc.gunther@ensicaen.fr

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