medicine administrating/entering in the body.
Unit of medicine‘s dose are:
and milligrams (solid and soft forms)2. Milliliters and drops
(liquid forms)
2. Milliliters and drops
(liquid forms)
2. On the dosing method
2.1 undivided
2.2 divided
It is a divided powder.
Rp.: Ascorbici acidi 0,05
Sacchari 0,3
Da tales doses numero 10.
Signa. Use the powder to the oral twice a day.
Short form
Rp.: Tabl. Paracetamoli 500 mg.
S. Take/Use one tablet oral tree times a day.
The second case
Rp.: Tabulettas «Cyston» №10.
D.S. Take one tablet oral tree times a day.
The second case. Medicines consist of several medical substances.
Rp.: Capsules «Fenules» №20.
Da. Signa. Take one capsule orally three time a day
Solid forms begin to act during hour.
Solid form can not be used as medicines for ambulance.
Prescribing 20 g officinal ointment «Levomecol».
Rp.: Unguenti «Levomecol» 40,0.
Da. Signa. Apply on derma 3 time a day.
Cream – less viscous then ointment.
Gel – less viscous and include gelatin as ointment base.
Vaginal suppositories
Usually spherical or egg-shaped
Suppositories mass ranged from 1,5 to 6,0
If the mass of suppositories is not indicated in the prescription they usually weigh 4,0.
Rp.: Suppositorium cum Synthomycino 250 mg
Da tales doses numero 10.
Signa. Insert one suppository vaginally twice a day
Rp.: Promedoli 0,02
Olei Cacao 3,0
Misce ut fiat suppositorium rectale.
Da tales doses numero 10.
Signa. Insert rectally at the pain.
Rp.: Aerosolum Salmeteroli 25mkg/1 dosim – 125 doses.
D.S. Inhale three time a day.
Rp.: Aerosolum Fenoteroli 0,1 mg/1dosim – 10 ml
D.S. Inhale one dose at the asthma attack.
Two variants of prescription
Rp.: Aerosolum «Inhalypt» - 30 ml.
D.S. Inhale three time a day.
When aerosol is not dosed the prescription has to be written out with indicated the name and the volume (weight) of aerosol.
Rp.: Aerosolum «Dexpanthenol» - 150 ml.
D.S. Apply three time a day at the affected skin.
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