Разделы презентаций

Presentation on Search Engine

History of creationIn 1996, Sergey Brin and Larry Page are beginning to develop the site BackRub.But in 1997 they decided that the system should have a different name and rename it

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Presentation on Search Engine

Presentation on Search Engine

Слайд 2History of creation

In 1996, Sergey Brin and Larry Page are

beginning to develop the site BackRub.
But in 1997 they decided

that the system should have a different name and rename it on Google.
In March 2000, Google is now available in 20 languages ​​around the world.
History of creationIn 1996, Sergey Brin and Larry Page are beginning to develop the site BackRub.But in

Слайд 3Сomparison criteria
Number of users: in 1998 the number of users

has exceeded 40 million.
This year the number of users has

exceeded 2.5 billion.
Search speed is quite high!
Сomparison criteriaNumber of users: in 1998 the number of users has exceeded 40 million.This year the number

Слайд 4Number of results for a given query.

Number of results for a given query.

Слайд 5Pictures
Google has the following applications:

PicturesMapsPlayYouTubeGoogle has the following applications:  NewsE-mailDisc

Слайд 9Well now I want to talk about design.
As for me

design is very pleasing. It is understandable and accessible to

any user. Google changes the design over time so that it does not stand still.
Well now I want to talk about design.As for me design is very pleasing. It is understandable

Слайд 10We recommend Google!

We recommend Google!

Слайд 11

Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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