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Presentation The teacher in the modern world Made by Kopbay Aisha Accepted by

We live in an amazing time: the world around us is changing very quickly almost beyond recognition. Therefore, a teacher working with the younger generation should be prepared:Change.

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Слайд 1

teacher in the modern world

Made by Kopbay Aisha
Accepted by Dildabeova

119-26 group
Shymkent 2019
PresentationThe teacher in the modern worldMade by Kopbay AishaAccepted

Слайд 2 We live in an amazing time: the

world around us is changing very quickly almost beyond recognition.

Therefore, a teacher working with the younger generation should be prepared:
Change. This is the most difficult, but necessary condition for the existence of a full-fledged personality.
Admit your mistakes. Only the one who does nothing is not mistaken. The teacher is not exactly like that.
Develop. If earlier the picture of the world did not change over the course of several generations, now everything develops so rapidly that, as the Black Queen said in Alice through the Looking Glass, in order to remain in place, you need to "run as fast as you can."
We live in an amazing time: the world around us is changing very quickly

Слайд 3The teacher must also understand what modern students live with.

You can not love Faith or Ivangaya, but not knowing

who these people are is lagging behind life.
In addition, the teacher should remember that modern children are different. They live on the Internet, they do not have the cult of an adult. These are the qualities that a modern teacher should possess in order to benefit and enjoy the results of his work.
The teacher must also understand what modern students live with. You can not love Faith or Ivangaya,

Слайд 41. Respect for children
Usually they say: "The teacher must love

children." But such a formulation is too abstract and inevitably

becomes a reason for speculation. Love is very versatile. This is condoning, and, conversely, a driller (“Beating means loving). Unclear. But with respect everything is much easier.

To respect a student is to see the subject in him, not a blank sheet.

2. Tolerance
All people are different. Sometimes a person annoys us only because he is different: he put the cap on not so, he does not look that way. But is it worth paying attention to this if he behaves naturally and does not violate the norms of morality? The same can be said about the human right to personal opinion.

If we are talking about questions that can not be given the only correct answer, then you should not immediately dismiss the original and unexpected proposals. They may be more suitable than standard ones. Children are not so spoiled by stereotypes as adults can think freely.

Recognize for the student the right to be different. And maybe you will grow a new Einstein.
1. Respect for childrenUsually they say:

Слайд 53. Understanding that the teacher provides the service
For some reason,

this point is most outraged teachers and many parents. Perhaps

the point of credibility. The teacher - it sounds proudly, and services are provided by hairdressers and porters. Undignified!

4. Willingness to gain credibility with real things.
You will not be impressed by the loud words, the commanding voice and the regalia of the modern child. Everything should be on the Hamburg score: a good teacher knows his subject, can explain his benefits and knows how to submit material interestingly.

Scare is useless. Today’s children do not have fear of what people who survived the “scoop” are afraid of.

5. Sense of Border
This applies to both psychological boundaries (“not to go deep into the soul”) and one’s own knowledge. After all, children in some areas more competent teachers.
3. Understanding that the teacher provides the serviceFor some reason, this point is most outraged teachers and

Слайд 66. Understanding your mission
The teacher should give only useful knowledge

that can not be simply google (and if possible, the

teacher is most likely wasting time).

7. Self-criticism
If a teacher analyzes his activity and thinks about how to make it better, he will achieve a lot. Everyone is mistaken. Including cool adult uncles and aunts. And the sooner children realize this, the better.

8. Self-irony
The ability to be frivolous and joking at oneself is a necessary component of what is called stress tolerance. And just great quality for life in society.

Self-irony allows you to defuse the situation, distract and go to the solution of complex issues.

Of course, all this is difficult to achieve under conditions when pennies are allocated for education. Unfortunately, schools often have no choice, and they have to take someone. Nevertheless, one should strive for the ideal.
6. Understanding your missionThe teacher should give only useful knowledge that can not be simply google (and

Слайд 7Today, a foreign language is not just a part of

the culture of a certain nation, but it is also

the key to success, the future successful career of students. Achieving a high level of proficiency in a foreign language is impossible without fundamental language training in higher education. At most universities in the country, students master at least two foreign languages.
Today, a foreign language is not just a part of the culture of a certain nation, but

Слайд 8High-quality language training of students is impossible without the use

of modern educational technologies. Modern technologies in education are professionally-oriented

teaching of a foreign language, employment in training, application of information and telecommunication technologies, work with educational computer programs in foreign languages ​​(multimedia system), remote technologies in teaching foreign languages, creating presentations in PowerPoint, using Internet resources, learning a foreign language in a computer environment (forums, blogs, e-mail), the latest test technologies (creating a bank diagnostic materials on the course of the subject “Foreign Language” for computer testing in order to control students' ZUN).
High-quality language training of students is impossible without the use of modern educational technologies. Modern technologies in

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