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Prosecutor is a government official charged with bringing defendants in criminal cases to justice in the name of the state.

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Слайд 2Prosecutor is a government official charged with bringing defendants in

criminal cases to justice in the name of the state.

Prosecutor is a government official charged with bringing defendants in criminal cases to justice in the name

Слайд 3According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Prosecutor’s Office of

Ukraine constitutes a unified system that is entrusted with:

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine constitutes a unified system that is

Слайд 5 The Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine is headed by

the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, who is appointed to office

with the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and dismissed from office by the President of Ukraine.
The Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine is headed by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, who is

Слайд 6 The term of authority of the Prosecutor General

of Ukraine is five years.

The term of authority of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine is five years.

Слайд 7 The organisation and operational procedure for the bodies

of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine are determined by law

The organisation and operational procedure for the bodies of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine are

Слайд 8 In the UK the Crown Prosecution Service is

responsible for prosecuting people charged with a criminal offence

In the UK the Crown Prosecution Service is responsible for prosecuting people charged with a

Слайд 9 As the principal prosecuting authority in England and

Wales, it is responsible for:
- Preparing cases for court. -

Presentation of cases at court.

- Advising the police on cases for possible prosecution.
- Reviewing cases submitted by the police.

As the principal prosecuting authority in England and Wales, it is responsible for:- Preparing cases

Слайд 10 The head of The Crown Prosecution Service is

the Director of Public Prosecutions. The Director of Public Prosecutions

reports to the Attorney General, who holds Parliamentary responsibility for the Service.
The head of The Crown Prosecution Service is the Director of Public Prosecutions. The Director

Слайд 11 The Crown Prosecution Service started operating in 1986

when the Prosecution of Offences Act (1985) became law. Before

this time local police forces were responsible for deciding whether to prosecute particular cases.
The Crown Prosecution Service started operating in 1986 when the Prosecution of Offences Act (1985)

Слайд 12Роботу виконав
Студент 1 курсу
Факультету №4
Групи ЮД-541
Яковенко О.

Роботу виконав Студент 1 курсуФакультету №4Групи ЮД-541Яковенко О.

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