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Project by the student 10 class B Chistoprudova Alina My school

I'm in school №28, in Balakovo.MBOU " Secondary school № 28 " Balakovo founded in 1993, in 2006 became the winner of the All-Russia competition of educational institutions, introducing innovative educational

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Project by the student 10 class B
Chistoprudova Alina
My school

Project by the student 10 class B Chistoprudova AlinaMy school

Слайд 2I'm in school №28, in Balakovo.
MBOU " Secondary school №

28 " Balakovo founded in 1993, in 2006 became the

winner of the All-Russia competition of educational institutions, introducing innovative educational programs.
I'm in school №28, in Balakovo.MBOU

Слайд 3School Director - Konstantin Borisovich Kuznetsov - Honored Teacher of

Russia , Excellence in Public Education. Has two degrees: philological

and legal .

This school gives you the opportunity to get an initial general, basic general and secondary education , in person , absentee , external studies , family education , self-education. It is permitted to a combination of different forms of education and the organization of educational process on an individual curriculum .

School Director - Konstantin Borisovich Kuznetsov - Honored Teacher of Russia , Excellence in Public Education. Has

Слайд 4The school has created a comfortable environment for studying quality

modern education , formed a creative team of highly skilled

teaching , successfully solving educational and educational problems . Only 139 school employees, including 92 teachers . Have the highest and the first qualifying category 89 % of the teachers , the honorary title " Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation" - 2 people . , Awarded the badge " Excellence in Public Education " - 8 people . , The badge "Honorary worker of the general education of the Russian Federation " - 18 people .
The school has created a comfortable environment for studying quality modern education , formed a creative team

Слайд 5Pedagogical team twice awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of

Education in the field of creative attitude to work .

Experience School in 2000 presented at the National Dog Show " School of the Year " in Moscow .
Five teachers have won the All-Russian competition for the best teachers. Three teachers were recognized winners of the regional competition for the best teachers.
Pedagogical team twice awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Education in the field of creative attitude

Слайд 6The school operated classes of physics and mathematics , chemical

and biological , socio-economic profiles. University professors are courses on

core subjects for high school students.

Institution among the top five educational institutions in the city , with the largest number of winners each year subject Olympiads municipal and regional levels . Every year, high school students win in regional Olympiad on geography, French, physics, biology .
The school operated classes of physics and mathematics , chemical and biological , socio-economic profiles. University professors

Слайд 7Educational institution - the center of educational, cultural and sporting

life of the neighborhood . Students have the opportunity to

engage in 150 groups and sections of interest.
Center of educational work is a school museum complex consisting of rooms Battle Glory , room life of the peoples of Russia, military equipment exhibition in miniature and exhibition " Pages chronicles Balakovsky education."
Educational institution - the center of educational, cultural and sporting life of the neighborhood . Students have

Слайд 8School was the winner of the All-Russian competition "School of

the Year" and the Ministry of Education of the Russian

Federation awarded for pedagogical skills, creative exploration, success of training and education. The winner of the contest was also a school in 1996.1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.
School was the winner of the All-Russian competition

Слайд 9I like my school , it gives a lot of

opportunities and knowledge. Here you can get an education in

different frmah training. Just inside the circles are about 150 children (chess, volleyball, basketball, dance, gymnastics ) . The school has its own library , gym .
I like my school , it gives a lot of opportunities and knowledge. Here you can get

Слайд 10Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

Слайд 11Source: http://www.mou-sosh28.ru/

Source: http://www.mou-sosh28.ru/

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