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PROJECT: Welcome to Our Home Town! PERM 7 “V” grade, school № 25, Perm

PROJECTThis one-week online-project was organized in the 7th grade.20 students.2 teachers.10 working groups (pairs).2 online-meetings.A chart on VK.A good chance to produce a group presentation during the distant education.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1PROJECT: Welcome to Our Home Town!
7 “V” grade, school №

25, Perm

PROJECT: Welcome to Our Home Town!PERM7 “V” grade, school № 25, Perm

Слайд 2
This one-week online-project
was organized in the 7th grade.


2 teachers.
10 working groups (pairs).
2 online-meetings.
A chart on VK.

A good

chance to produce a group presentation during the distant education.

PROJECTThis one-week online-project was organized in the 7th grade.20 students.2 teachers.10 working groups (pairs).2 online-meetings.A

Слайд 3



Слайд 4Perm is an old but very beautiful city. It is

located in the European part of Russia in the east.

It stands on the banks of the Kama river. The foundation day: May 4,1723. The founder of the city : V.N.Tatishchev . Population: more than 1 mln people There are a lot of interesting things in Perm and you can start your acquaintance with them right now.


Perm is an old but very beautiful city. It is located in the European part of Russia

Слайд 5The best season to visit Perm is summer. In summer,

it can be hot and sunny, and in the daytime

the temperature can be +20 or even higher. On a good summer day in Perm, you can walk around the city, go to the beach, take part in the city events.


The best season to visit Perm is summer.  In summer, it can be hot and sunny,

Слайд 6You can get to Perm by plane, by train, by

bus, and by water transport in summer. Public transport in the

city: trams, buses. It costs 26 rubles. Taxi is not expensive.


You can get to Perm by plane, by train, by bus,  and by water transport in

Слайд 7We have lots of large malls in our city. You

can buy clothes, toys, cosmetics, have a tasty snack and

go to the movies there. The largest shopping centers in Perm are the “Capital“, “Speshilove” and “Family”


We have lots of large malls in our city. You can buy clothes, toys, cosmetics, have a

Слайд 8If you decide to eat, then one of the best

restaurants in Perm-KARIN! Prices are not very high, everyone can

have a tight lunch there for a small amount! The restaurant has several types of cuisine: Italian, Seafood, Mediterranean, European, Russian, Central European, International, and also a specialized menu that is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


If you decide to eat, then one of the best restaurants in Perm-KARIN! Prices are not very

Слайд 9One of the best places for a quick snack in

Perm ARE McDonald's, KFC, Chicken which please with the large

assortment of various fast food. There are special sets for young children that include fruit juice, cheeseburger, toy and French fries with sauce.



One of the best places for a quick snack in Perm ARE McDonald's, KFC, Chicken which please

Слайд 10New Star Hotel is one of the best hotels in

Perm. The hotel is located on 38a Gazeta Zvezda Street.

Of the advantages, the hotel has a fitness center and a paid parking, there is a beauty salon and animals can be accommodated in the room. There are many restaurants and bars within half a kilometer from the hotel and one museum.


New Star Hotel is one of the best hotels in Perm. The hotel is located on 38a

Слайд 11Ural hotel is a modern hotel in the city center,

just a few steps from the waterfront, the city's main

theaters and major shopping centers. Perfect for special occasions, weekends or business trips.400 rooms from economy to luxury, invigorating workouts in the fitness room, relaxation in the Stroganov sauna and local Ural cuisine in the restaurant "Stroganov patrimony"


Ural hotel is a modern hotel in the city center, just a few steps from the waterfront,

Слайд 12Perm State Art Gallery. The collections comprise about 50,000 works of

art from ancient times to the present. The gallery has

an archive, a scientific library, and restoration workshops. Children will be able to get acquainted with the paintings of great artists, look at the unique collection of Perm wooden sculptures.



Perm State Art Gallery. The collections comprise about 50,000 works of art from ancient times to the

Слайд 13Perm Museum of Local Lore. The oldest and largest museum

in the Perm region. It has 600,000 storage units and

includes more than 50 collections of regional, Russian and world significance. Children can see various historical exhibits, and get acquainted with the history of the Perm region from antiquity to the end of the 20th century.


Perm Museum of Local Lore. The oldest and largest museum in the Perm region. It has 600,000

Слайд 14The Museum of Perm Antiquities - a journey into the

past of the Earth, during the time of amazing plants

and mysterious animals that are studied by the science of paleontology. Children can look at the skeletons of dinosaurs, and learn a lot about them.


The Museum of Perm Antiquities - a journey into the past of the Earth, during the time

Слайд 15For older children in the city there is the Museum

"Russia my history" where you can learn a lot about

the history of your country by performing interactive quizzes and watching interesting videos about the events of the past. The Museum fascinates with its atmosphere, which allows you to immerse yourself in history.


For older children in the city there is the Museum

Слайд 16There are 24 theaters in Perm and all of them

are well visited. The Opera House and its Ballet are famous

in many countries.


There are 24 theaters in Perm and all of them are well visited. The Opera House and

Слайд 17Gorky Park is a recreation and culture park, the oldest

park in Perm. The Rotunda is an architectural monument of

federal significance and is a typical example of classical park architecture.


Gorky Park is a recreation and culture park, the oldest park in Perm. The Rotunda is an

Слайд 18Balatovsky Park is located in the city center. There are

many interesting attractions for children in Balatovsky Park ,for example,

a Ferris wheel and you can also rent a bicycle, scooter and other types of transport. You can also feed squirrels there.


Balatovsky Park is located in the city center.  There are many interesting attractions for children in

Слайд 19From entertainment for children and adults. There are several trampoline

complexes. There you can have fun jumping from a tower

into a pool with foam cubes, as well as performing tricks by jumping on a stretched net.



From entertainment for children and adults.  There are several trampoline complexes.   There you can

Слайд 20Perm Bear  The bear is the symbol of Perm Region depicted

on the Perm coat of arms. Today, the new legend

tells that all your desires will be fulfilled after you rub the nose of the bronze sculpture and make a wish.


Perm Bear  The bear is the symbol of Perm Region depicted on the Perm coat of arms.

Слайд 21Perm Gates  Perm Gates is the latest work by a famous

Russian sculptor Nikolay Polissky near the railway station Perm II.

The gates are made of wood. It is the natural material which reminds us of the historical roots of the Perm Krai.  


Perm Gates  Perm Gates is the latest work by a famous Russian sculptor Nikolay Polissky near the

Слайд 22Permyak-Salty Ears  The statuary group consists of a photographer and

an oval frame with two big ears. The sculpture represents

the famous phrase about men who worked at the salt factories.


Permyak-Salty Ears   The statuary group consists of a photographer and an oval frame with two big

Слайд 23Happiness is within reach  «Happiness is within reach» appeared in

Perm in 2009. This art-object remains one of the most

beloved ones. Almost no couples or newlyweds miss a chance to visit the bank of Kama behind the River station to take pictures next to the words that are said to bring luck. 


Happiness is within reach   «Happiness is within reach» appeared in Perm in 2009. This art-object remains

Слайд 24Esplanade It is the place where all mass holidays and

events are held. Besides in winter there is the Ice Town



Esplanade  It is the place where all mass holidays and events are held. Besides in winter

Слайд 25 The Kungur Ice Cave. It is the underground kingdom of

stone and ice. It is located near the town of Kungur.

The age of the cave is 10-12 thousand years. The length is about 5 and a half kilometers. There are 70 lakes inside he cave.



The Kungur Ice Cave. It is the underground kingdom of stone and ice. It is

Слайд 26Khokhlovka is an architectural and ethnographic museum founded in 1969.

This is the first open-air museum of wooden architecture in

the Urals. It consists of 23 unique monuments of the late XVII - the first half of the XX century.




Khokhlovka is an architectural and ethnographic museum founded in 1969.  This is the first open-air museum

Слайд 27The Kvarkush mountain range is a huge mountain plateau with

towering small slides. The main peak of the ridge is

the Vogulsky stone (1066 meters).


The Kvarkush mountain range is a huge mountain plateau with towering small slides. The main peak of

Слайд 28The Stone city is one of the main attractions of

the Perm region. It has become especially popular in the

last decade and due to transport accessibility, groups of tourists visit the territory of the natural city every weekend.


The Stone city is one of the main attractions of the Perm region. It has become especially

Слайд 29Welcome to Perm!

Welcome to Perm!

Слайд 30Teachers:
Chuchumova O.Y
Shimanovich E.M.

Чучумова Оксана Юрьевна
Шиманович Елена Михайловна
МАОУ «СОШ № 25»

г. Перми

Teachers:Chuchumova O.YShimanovich E.M.Чучумова Оксана ЮрьевнаШиманович Елена МихайловнаМАОУ «СОШ № 25» г. Перми

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