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Punctuation in writing

Punctuation, =comma. Separates two independent clauses with a conjunction or separates items in a listI have studied on this campus for three years, and I have learned a lot.This semester I am

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Слайд 1Punctuation in writing

Punctuation in writing

Слайд 2Punctuation
, =comma. Separates two independent clauses with a conjunction or separates

items in a list
I have studied on this campus for

three years, and I have learned a lot.
This semester I am taking Spanish, Algebra, and English.

Punctuation, =comma. Separates two independent clauses with a conjunction or separates items in a listI have studied on

Слайд 3Punctuation
; =semi-colon. Separates two independent clauses
I have taught here for ten

years; I like the campus very much.

Punctuation; =semi-colon. Separates two independent clausesI have taught here for ten years; I like the campus very much.

Слайд 4Punctuation
: =colon. Placed after an independent clause and before a list

the day of the final, please bring with you the

following items: a pen, a pencil, an eraser, and an exam book.

Punctuation: =colon. Placed after an independent clause and before a listOn the day of the final, please bring

Слайд 5Punctuation
. =period. Placed at the end of a sentence
Danielle is returning

to France for the winter break.

Punctuation. =period. Placed at the end of a sentenceDanielle is returning to France for the winter break.

Слайд 6True or false
You write a comma when you take a

You write a colon before a list.
You write a period

after completing a thought.
The letter “S” at the end of a word always has an apostrophe before it.
A period should be written after an independent clause.
“Mother” should always be capitalized.
True or falseYou write a comma when you take a breath.You write a colon before a list.You

Слайд 7Sentence:
A simple sentence is also known as an independent clause. It

has a subject, verb, and a complete idea: for example,

I drive. This is an acceptable English sentence with a subject (I), a verb (drive) and a complete idea, I drive, meaning I drive every day or habitually; I know how to drive, etc
Sentence:A simple sentence is also known as an independent clause. It has a subject, verb, and a complete

Слайд 8Dependent clause
 Must be attached to an independent clause for correctness.

It has a subject and a verb but is not

a complete idea. Because I drive This is not a complete sentence but a dependent clause, and if a student puts a period after it, I will mark it (F) for fragment.
Dependent clauses need to be attached to independent clauses with a comma after if the dependent clause is first
Dependent clause Must be attached to an independent clause for correctness. It has a subject and a verb

Слайд 9Because I drive, I have car insurance.
or no comma if

the dependent clause is second

I have car insurance because I

Two or more independent clauses together without the correct punctuation is a run-on sentence.

Because I drive, I have car insurance.or no comma if the dependent clause is secondI have car

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