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Put the verbs into the correct tenses   ( you /go) to the

Put the verbs into the correct tenses« The living room ____________ (look) nice » « Yes, I ______________ (just/clean) it. »looks‘ve just cleaned

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Put the verbs into the correct tenses
« ____________ (you/go) to the

tomorrow? »
« Yes, I ____ (go) there every Saturday. »

Are you going

Put the verbs into the correct tenses« ____________ (you/go) to the markettomorrow? » « Yes, I ____ (go) there every

Слайд 2Put the verbs into the correct tenses
« The living room ____________

(look) nice »
« Yes, I ______________ (just/clean) it. »

‘ve just cleaned

Put the verbs into the correct tenses« The living room ____________ (look) nice » « Yes, I ______________ (just/clean) it. »looks‘ve

Слайд 3Put the verbs into the correct tenses
The children ______________ (sweep)

up the
leaves when their mother _________ (call) them.
were sweeping

Put the verbs into the correct tensesThe children ______________ (sweep) up the leaves when their mother _________

Слайд 4Put the verbs into the correct tenses
« ______________ (you/wash) the car

yet? »
« No, I ____________ (do) it this afternoon. »

Have you washed

Put the verbs into the correct tenses« ______________ (you/wash) the car yet? » « No, I ____________ (do) it this

Слайд 5Put the verbs into the correct tenses
« Where ______ (be) the

dog? »
« Jane ___________ (just/take) it out for a walk. »

‘s just

Put the verbs into the correct tenses« Where ______ (be) the dog? »« Jane ___________ (just/take) it out for a

Слайд 6Put the verbs into the correct tenses
They ___________ (notice) their

as they _______________ (cross) the bridge.

were crossing

Put the verbs into the correct tensesThey ___________ (notice) their friendsas they _______________ (cross) the bridge.noticedwere crossing

Слайд 7Put the verbs into the correct tenses
The secretary ________________(just/finish)

letter when her boss ____________ (arrive)

was just finishing

Put the verbs into the correct tensesThe secretary ________________(just/finish) the letter when her boss ____________ (arrive)was just

Слайд 8Put the verbs into the correct tenses
We ______________ (not/have) a

since the twins _________ (be) born.

haven’t had

Put the verbs into the correct tensesWe ______________ (not/have) a holiday since the twins _________ (be) born.haven’t

Слайд 9Put the verbs into the correct tenses
I ____________ (never/go) to

bull fights.
I ___________ (hate) them!

never go

Put the verbs into the correct tensesI ____________ (never/go) to bull fights. I ___________ (hate) them!never gohate

Слайд 10Put the verbs into the correct tenses
She ______________ (learn) French

she ____________ (come) to Paris.
‘s been learning

Put the verbs into the correct tensesShe ______________ (learn) French sinceshe ____________ (come) to Paris. ‘s been

Слайд 11Put the verbs into the correct tenses
____________________ (your boyfriend/come)

the party tonight?
Is your boyfriend coming

Put the verbs into the correct tenses____________________ (your boyfriend/come) to the party tonight?Is your boyfriend coming

Слайд 12Put the verbs into the correct tenses
« How long _________________ (live)

in Paris? »
« Since 1996. »

have you been living

Put the verbs into the correct tenses« How long _________________ (live) in Paris? »« Since 1996. »have you been living

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