Разделы презентаций

Right On Track With Force and Motion M. Martin 2012 VA Science SOL

Right on Track with Forces of MotionMaterials: 2 game piecesGame Set Up: Make a pile of question cards. Place the pile of question cards face down on the table. Place the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Right On Track
With Force and Motion
M. Martin 2012

Science SOL 1.2

Right On Track With Force and MotionM. Martin 2012 VA Science SOL 1.2STARTFINISH

Слайд 2Right on Track with Forces of Motion

Materials: 2 game pieces


Set Up:
Make a pile of question cards. Place the

pile of question cards face down on the table.
Place the answer key face down on the table.
Put the game board in the middle of the table.

Player 1 takes a card and answers the question. Player 2 checks the answer key to see if Player 1 is correct. If Player 1 is correct, he moves ahead 1 space on the game board and keeps the card. If Player 1 is incorrect, he stays on the same space on the game board.
Then it’s Player 2’s turn. Player 2 takes a card and answers the question. Player 1 checks the answer key to see if Player 1 is correct. If Player 1 is correct, he moves ahead 1 space on the game board and keeps the card. If Player 2 is incorrect, he stays on the same space on the game board.
Keep playing until you run out of cards or you reach the finish line. The player with the most cards wins the game!

M. Martin 2012
VA Science SOL 1.2

Right on Track with Forces of MotionMaterials: 2 game piecesGame Set Up: Make a pile of question

Слайд 3Right on Track with Forces of Motion
Answer Key

M. Martin

VA Science SOL 1.2

Right on Track with Forces of Motion Answer KeyM. Martin 2012VA Science SOL 1.2

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