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S c h o o l u n i f o r m

Our version of the school uniform differs from others in the individuality of each class, the uniqueness of the design and adapted to modern society approach to school fashion. We decided

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Project made by
Osovskaya Arina
and Kazartseva Polina
S c h o

o l u n i f o r m

Project made by Osovskaya Arinaand Kazartseva PolinaS c h o o l  u n i f

Слайд 2Our version of the school uniform differs from others in

the individuality of each class, the uniqueness of the design

and adapted to modern society approach to school fashion. We decided to create something fun and bright, but stylish and suitable for all ages. And we did it! Now every school that will use our design will make its students unique and irresistible.
Our version of the school uniform differs from others in the individuality of each class, the uniqueness

Слайд 3Our uniform is made of natural materials, in which children

will be comfortable throughout the day. Another advantage of choosing

our form is its low price and ease of care.
Our uniform is made of natural materials, in which children will be comfortable throughout the day. Another

Слайд 4The Motto of our firm Fruityform is
"Bright outside-bright inside"

The Motto of our firm Fruityform is

Слайд 5Style is our Bible

Style is our Bible

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