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Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет Медицинский факультет Кафедра

Communication is the corner stone of the relationshipwith the patientMain aims:creating a good inter-personal relationship, exchanging information,making treatment-related decisionsAims and Rationaleshared decision-making approach, with patients being advised to educate themselves, ask

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет
Медицинский факультет
Кафедра факультетской терапии


Communication with Patients Suffering from

Serious Physical Illness

Наталия Юрьевна Басанцова
Saint-Petersburg, 2019

Санкт-Петербургский Государственный УниверситетМедицинский факультетКафедра факультетской терапии Communication with Patients Suffering from Serious Physical IllnessНаталия Юрьевна БасанцоваSaint-Petersburg, 2019

Слайд 2Communication is the corner stone of the relationship
with the patient


creating a good inter-personal relationship,
exchanging information,
making treatment-related decisions
Aims and


shared decision-making approach, with patients being advised to educate themselves, ask questions and influence the course of the discussion with their doctors

“doctors knowing best” and decide what should be done for a patient

Communication is the corner stone of the relationshipwith the patientMain aims:creating a good inter-personal relationship, exchanging information,making

Слайд 3at least 30–40% of patients with serious medical illness present

symptoms of emotional distress, anxiety, depression.

need help with overcoming their

fears (51%),
finding hope (42%),
finding meaning in life (40%),
finding spiritual resources (39%),
finding someone to talk to about finding peace of mind (43%).
feeling of being a burden to others (87.1%),
feeling of not making a meaningful and/or lasting contribution in one’s own life (83.7%),
not feeling worthwhile or valued (81.4%).

Emotional needs of the patient

at least 30–40% of patients with serious medical illness present symptoms of emotional distress, anxiety, depression.need help

Слайд 4Barriers due to patient and families

Barriers due to patient and families

Слайд 5Barriers due to healthcare provides

Barriers due to healthcare provides

Слайд 6Among 9,344 healthy subjects, 73.9% of respondents endorsed the view

of always being informed
when in the scenario of having a

serious illness with less than 1 year to live

Good vs bad doctor

Among 9,344 healthy subjects, 73.9% of respondents endorsed the view of always being informedwhen in the scenario

Слайд 7Preserving the sense of dignity

Preserving the sense of dignity

Слайд 8Some patients need to know all of the details about

their situation, as a way of coping with the event

(‘monitors’), while others tend to adopt an avoidant style by passing the management of their own situation
to family members or supportive figures (‘blunters’).

Patients with fighting coping styles tend to perceive communication that centres on how to deal with the situation as hopeful, while patients with fatalistic or stoic coping tend to regard a paternalistic communication style that is based on physician-centred decision-making as more hopeful.

Coping styles

Some patients need to know all of the details about their situation, as a way of coping

Слайд 9Defence mechanisms

Defence mechanisms

Слайд 10Attachment styles

Attachment styles

Слайд 11What to do: the SPIKES protocol

What to do: the SPIKES protocol

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