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Sources of law : common law

Hello, everyone, you are welcome to hear my presentation and let`s get down to business without a peep. It`s great that so many of you were able to come here to

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Слайд 1Sources of law: common law

Sources of law: common law

Слайд 2Hello, everyone, you are welcome to hear my presentation and

let`s get down to business without a peep. It`s great

that so many of you were able to come here to listen to my presentation this morning.
Hello, everyone, you are welcome to hear my presentation and let`s get down to business without a

Слайд 3We decided to tell you about the sources of law,

namely the common law sources (also known as case law or

We decided to tell you about the sources of law, namely the common law sources (also known as

Слайд 4A subject I’m sure will be of high priority for

the law students as a great lawyer should be familiar

with the laws and their origins. It`s only right to say that a lawyer without the knowledge of the law is not a lawyer.
A subject I’m sure will be of high priority for the law students as a great lawyer

Слайд 5“I thought why should we learn the laws as they

are changing almost every day until I the real court.”-thoughts

of one of the most successful lawyer of our times.
“I thought why should we learn the laws as they are changing almost every day until I

Слайд 6There are several points I’d like to cover today.

I will be giving you a little information about what

is common law.
I’ll then go on to the basic principles of common law.
I’ll also introduce you interaction of constitutional, statutory and common law.
There are several points I’d like to cover today.  First, I will be giving you a

Слайд 7So, to start with, what is common law?
Common law is

law developed by:
and similar tribunals.

So, to start with, what is common law?Common law is law developed by:judges, courts, and similar tribunals.

Слайд 8How does it works?
First, one must ascertain the facts.

one must locate any relevant statutes and cases.
Then one

must extract the principles, analogies and statements by various courts of what they consider important to determine how the next court is likely to rule on the facts of the present case.
Finally, one integrates all the lines drawn and reasons given, and determines "what the law is". Then, one applies that law to the facts.
How does it works?First, one must ascertain the facts. Then, one must locate any relevant statutes and

Слайд 9What’s about interaction, in common law legal systems the common

law is crucial to understanding almost all important areas of

law. In almost all areas of the law (even those where there is a statutory framework, such as contracts for the sale of goods, or the criminal law), legislature-enacted statutes generally give only terse statements of general principle, and the fine boundaries and definitions exist only in the interstitial common law.
What’s about interaction, in common law legal systems the common law is crucial to understanding almost all

Слайд 10Result
To sum up, common law is one of the most

important branch of low as one third of the world's

population live in common law jurisdictions or in systems mixed with civil law.
ResultTo sum up, common law is one of the most important branch of low as one third

Слайд 11Result
Finally, I’d like to clear what I said in

the beginning, great precedential weight to common law makes it

different from the others sources of law and by that turns the system into more equitable.

Sources law

common law

statutory law


judicial precedent


Result Finally, I’d like to clear what I said in the beginning, great precedential weight to common

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