Разделы презентаций


In the beginning we often hear that people cant find an apartment for a few days or prices are too high

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1sPITI
All comfort for

sPITIAll comfort for YOU

Слайд 2In the beginning
we often hear that people cant find

an apartment for a few days or prices are too

In the beginning we often hear that people cant find an apartment for a few days or

Слайд 3Type of business
With the help of our managers you can

find a flat, country house or room in one of

the 84 available cities
Type of businessWith the help of our managers you can find a flat, country house or room

Слайд 4Opportunities and advantages
10 years of experience on the business,

a huge amount of accumulate information
Interactive dialogs with target audience

at specialized websites
Professional staff of sociologists, economists and marketing specialist
Opportunities and advantages 10 years of experience on the business, a huge amount of accumulate informationInteractive dialogs

Слайд 5Future plans
We will want to open offices in many

foreign countries

Future plans We will want to open offices in many foreign countries

Слайд 6Notes for employees
Clearly assigned responsibilities
Can completely reorganized the office
All employees

must wear uniforms
Always try to get the high position

Notes for employeesClearly assigned responsibilitiesCan completely reorganized the officeAll employees must wear uniformsAlways try to get the

Слайд 7Holidays
We lets workers to take holidays for 1 month

a year

Holidays We lets workers to take holidays for 1 month a year

Слайд 8Contacts
Tel: +7 (495) 999-66-33 or 999-77-55

ContactsSpitiTel: +7 (495) 999-66-33 or 999-77-55spiti@mail.ruwww.spiti.ru

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