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State Transition Testing Technique Training


AgendaIntroductionTechniqueExamplesSummaryQ&ABefore practice startPracticeReferencesQuestions

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1State Transition Testing Technique Training
Kateryna Dribas

State Transition Testing Technique TrainingKateryna Dribas

Слайд 2Agenda
Before practice start

AgendaIntroductionTechniqueExamplesSummaryQ&ABefore practice startPracticeReferencesQuestions

Слайд 3Introduction
Let’s remember…

Dynamic testing: Testing that involves the execu-tion of the

software of a component or system.

What is dynamic testing?

What is

black box testing?

Black box testing: Method of testing that examines the functionality of an application without peering into its internal logical structure.

IntroductionLet’s remember…Dynamic testing: Testing that involves the execu-tion of the software of a component or system.What is

Слайд 4Introduction
What is finite state system?

Finite state system is any

system where user gets a different output for the same

input, depending on what has happened before.

What is state transition testing?

State transition technique is a dynamic black-box testing technique, which is used when the system is defined in terms of states and the transitions between the states is governed by the rules of the system.

IntroductionWhat is finite state system? Finite state system is any system where user gets a different output

Слайд 5Introduction
What is it used for?
- gives us the opportunity

to visualize all of the states in which the system

(application) can exist;

- to capture certain kinds of system requirements and to document internal system design;

- can serve as a guide to creating test cases;

- is used in cases when system’s reaction depends on its state.

IntroductionWhat is it used for? - gives us the opportunity to visualize all of the states in

Слайд 6Technique


Слайд 7Start
Card inserted
- states (that the software may occupy)

transitions (from one state to another)
- events (that cause

a transition)

Actions that result from a transition are not shown explicitly but they would be a message to the customer saying things (such as 'Please enter your PIN').

Technique: designations

A state transition model can be represented as diagram and as a table.

StartCard inserted - states (that the software may occupy) - transitions (from one state to another) -

Слайд 8User inserts credit card and enters PIN for getting bank

account. He has 3 tries to enter valid PIN and

to get access to account. After 3rd invalid try the card will be "eaten". And in 10 seconds start menu appears.

Wait for PIN

2nd try

3rd try

Access to account

Eat card


Card inserted

Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Technique: State diagram

In 10 seconds

User inserts credit card and enters PIN for getting bank account. He has 3 tries to enter

Слайд 9Whether all situations were considered?
Wait for PIN
Access to account

Card inserted
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
invalid PIN

valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Card inserted

Card inserted

Enter invalid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Technique: State diagram

In 10 seconds

Card inserted

Enter valid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Whether all situations were considered? Wait for PIN2ndtry3rdtryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid

Слайд 10The transition of states can be also shown as state

transition table.
Where every column illustrates every transition from one state

to another.

Technique: State table

The transition of states can be also shown as state transition table.Where every column illustrates every transition

Слайд 11Technique: State table

Technique: State table

Слайд 12A first test case here would be the normal situation,

where the correct PIN is entered the first time.

for PIN

2nd try

3rd try

Access to account

Eat card


Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Card inserted

Technique: Test Cases. 1st flow

Enter invalid PIN

In 10 seconds

A first test case here would be the normal situation, where the correct PIN is entered the

Слайд 13Wait for PIN
2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid

Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Technique: Test

Cases. 2nd flow

Enter invalid PIN

A second test (to visit every state) would be to enter an incorrect PIN each time, so that the system eats the card.

In 10 seconds

Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid PINEnter valid PINEnter

Слайд 14Wait for PIN
2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid

Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Technique: Cover

1st , 2nd flows

Enter invalid PIN

In 10 seconds

Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid PINEnter valid PINEnter

Слайд 15Wait for PIN
2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid

Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Technique: Test

Cases. 3rd flow

A third test case where the PIN was incorrect the first time but OK the second time.

In 10 seconds

Enter valid PIN

Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid PINEnter valid PINEnter

Слайд 16Wait for PIN
2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid

Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Technique: Cover

1st , 2nd , 3rd flows

In 10 seconds

Enter valid PIN

Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid PINEnter valid PINEnter

Слайд 17Wait for PIN
2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid

Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Technique: Test

Cases. 4th flow

A fourth test where the PIN was correct on the third try.

In 10 seconds

Enter valid PIN

Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid PINEnter valid PINEnter

Слайд 18Wait for PIN
2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid

Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Technique: Cover

1st ,2nd,3rd,4th flows

A fourth test where the PIN was correct on the third try.

In 10 seconds

Enter valid PIN

Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid PINEnter valid PINEnter

Слайд 19Wait for PIN
2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid

Enter invalid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid PIN
Technique: Cover

all flows

Enter invalid PIN

In 10 seconds

Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard insertedEnter valid PINEnter invalid PINEnter valid PINEnter valid PINEnter

Слайд 20Another test where user select illogical for system behavior.
Wait for

2nd try
3rd try
Access to account
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter valid PIN
Enter invalid


Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Enter invalid PIN

Card inserted

Card inserted

Card inserted

Enter invalid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Enter valid PIN

Technique: Test Cases. Another flow

Enter invalid PIN

In 10 seconds

Another test where user select illogical for system behavior. Wait for PIN2nd try3rd tryAccess to accountEat cardStartCard

Слайд 21In the case when the same event is repeated more

than once and leads to the same state there is

no need to create many identical states and transitions.

Technique: simplistic diagram

Wait for PIN

2nd try

Enter invalid
try = 1


Enter invalid
try = 2

nth try

Enter invalid
try = n-1

Wait for PIN

Enter invalid PIN
try = 1

Enter invalid PIN
try = 2

Enter invalid PIN
try = n-1

Wait for PIN

Eat card

Enter invalid
try = n

Enter invalid PIN
try < n

Enter invalid PIN
try = n

Enter invalid PIN
try = n


In the case when the same event is repeated more than once and leads to the same

Слайд 22Wait for PIN
Eat card
Card inserted
Enter invalid PIN,
try = 3
Enter valid

Technique: simplistic diagram
We can consider the repeated events as a

single cyclic event which leads to the same state.

Enter invalid PIN,
try < 3

In 10 seconds

Access to account

Wait for PINEat cardStartCard insertedEnter invalid PIN,try = 3Enter valid PINTechnique: simplistic diagramWe can consider the repeated

Слайд 23Technique: Notification
Some illogical repeated events that lead to the states

with equal behavior can be considered as one event.
Enter invalid

PIN (try < 3 )

~ Enter invalid PIN (try = 3)

~ Enter invalid PIN (try > 3)

~ Enter invalid PIN (try = n)

Technique: NotificationSome illogical repeated events that lead to the states with equal behavior can be considered as

Слайд 24A first test case here would be the normal situation,

where the correct PIN is entered the first time.

Simplistic Test Cases. 1st flow

Wait for PIN

Eat card


Card inserted

Enter invalid PIN,
try =3

Enter valid PIN

Access to account

Enter invalid PIN,
try <3

In 10 seconds

A first test case here would be the normal situation, where the correct PIN is entered the

Слайд 25Technique: Simplistic Test Cases. 2nd flow
A second test (to visit

every state) would be to enter an incorrect PIN each

time, so that the system eats the card.

Wait for PIN

Eat card


Card inserted

Enter invalid PIN,
try =3

Enter valid PIN

Access to account

Enter invalid PIN,
try <3

In 10 seconds

Technique: Simplistic Test Cases. 2nd flowA second test (to visit every state) would be to enter an

Слайд 26Technique: Simplistic Test Cases. 3rd flow
A third test case where

the PIN was correct the second or third time.
Wait for


Eat card


Card inserted

Enter invalid PIN,
try = 3

Enter valid PIN

Access to account

Enter invalid PIN,
try < 3

In 10 seconds

Technique: Simplistic Test Cases. 3rd flowA third test case where the PIN was correct the second or

Слайд 27Examples


Слайд 28Example 1:
User types his friend’s mobile account. He enters amount

of money he likes to send, types mobile number and

click ‘Send’. If entered amount of money is allowed and phone number format is correct, then money will be sent and user will get appropriate message. If sum is too low or too high, then user should re-enter it. If phone number format is incorrect, then user should enter correct phone number.

Example 1

Example 1:User types his friend’s mobile account. He enters amount of money he likes to send, types

Слайд 29Example 1: State diagram
Validation phone number and sum
Send money
Enter sum

and phone number

Valid sum and phone number
Invalid sum and /

or phone number

The money has been sent

Example 1: State diagramValidation phone number and sumSend moneyStartEnter sum and phone numberValid sum and phone numberInvalid

Слайд 30In examples is not clear how many times user can

repeat the operation of entering sum and phone number.
Example 1:



Validation phone number and sum

Enter sum and phone number

Invalid sum or phone number

This issue should be clarified with BA.

We should find the cases when it has sense.

In examples is not clear how many times user can repeat the operation of entering sum and

Слайд 31Example 1: Causes
- Test coverage (higher or good enough for

It depends on:
- Cost of mistake.
- Time constraints;
- Budget constraints;

Defect location identification;

- Business need;

- Quality requirements for the project from customer;

Example 1: Causes- Test coverage (higher or good enough for project);It depends on:- Cost of mistake.- Time

Слайд 32Example 1: Test Cases . 1st flow
Validation phone number
Send money

sum and phone number

Valid sum or phone number
Invalid sum or

phone number

The money has been sent


A first test case here would be the normal situation, where the correct sum and phone number are entered the first time.

A first test case here would be the normal situation, where the correct sum and phone number are entered the first time.

Example 1: Test Cases . 1st flowValidation phone numberSend moneyEnter sum and phone numberValid sum or phone

Слайд 33Example 1: Test Cases . 2nd flow
A second test (to

visit every state) would be to enter an incorrect sum

and phone number, so that the system brings back the user to ‘start’ state.

Validation phone number

Send money

Enter sum and phone number

Valid sum or phone number

Invalid sum or phone number

The money has been sent


Example 1: Test Cases . 2nd flowA second test (to visit every state) would be to enter

Слайд 34Example 1: Test Cases . 3rd flow
A second test (to

visit every state) would be to enter an incorrect sum

and phone number at first time, but correct at second time. This test case covers all previous flows.

Validation phone number

Send money

Enter sum and phone number

Valid sum or phone number

Invalid sum or phone number


The money has been sent

Example 1: Test Cases . 3rd flowA second test (to visit every state) would be to enter

Слайд 35Example 2:

Chocolate vending machine.
Customer selects a mark of the

chocolate (e.g. ‘KitKat’), and enters money. If not enough money

is entered, then machine will ask to enter more. If amount of money is ok, then machine will start selection of chocolate. If ‘KitKat’ chocolate is available, then customer will get ‘KitKat’ in a minute. In a 10 seconds menu returns to main menu. If there is no selected mark of the chocolate, then customer will get proper message and his money back. In a 10 seconds menu returns to main menu.
The machine doesn’t give the change.

Example 2

Example 2:Chocolate vending machine. Customer selects a mark of the chocolate (e.g. ‘KitKat’), and enters money. If

Слайд 36Example 2: State diagram
Type of chocola-te
Valida-tion sum
Check selected chocola-te

for enough money
Enter money
Select type of chocolate
Not enough


Money back

Give chocola-te

Enough money, with or w/o change

Chocolate exists

In 10 seconds

In 10 seconds

Chocolate doesn’t exist

Example 2: State diagramType of chocola-te Valida-tion sumCheck selected chocola-teWait for enough moneyStartEnter moneyEnter moneySelect type of

Слайд 37 Example 2: Notification 1
Valida-tion sum
Wait for enough money
Enter money
Not enough

In examples we should discover how much times user has

to enter money to get enough pay.

This issue should be clarified with BA.

We should find the cases when it has sense.

Example 2: Notification 1 Valida-tion sumWait for enough moneyEnter moneyNot enough moneyIn examples we should discover

Слайд 38Let’s take that ‘KitKat’ costs 10.00 UAH.
What is the

minimum number of cases we should make for sum validation?

Example 2: Notification 1

Every bank notes and coins? - until get the ___________________________chocolate cost.

10? - equal the chocolate cost;

20? - more the chocolate cost;

1cop? - until get the chocolate cost;

Let’s take that ‘KitKat’ costs 10.00 UAH. What is the minimum number of cases we should make

Слайд 39In examples is not clear how many times user can

repeat the operation of chocolate (the number of types chocolate,

e.g. 10 (and if 50??)

Example 2: Notification 2


Check selected chocolate

Select type of chocolate

Chocolate doesn’t exist

This issue should be clarified with BA.

We should find the cases when it has sense.

In examples is not clear how many times user can repeat the operation of chocolate (the number

Слайд 40Example 2: Causes
- Test coverage (higher or good enough for

It depends on:
- Cost of mistake.
- Time constraints;
- Budget constraints;

Defect location identification;

- Business need;

- Quality requirements for the project from customer;

Example 2: Causes- Test coverage (higher or good enough for project);It depends on:- Cost of mistake.- Time

Слайд 41Example 2: Test Cases. 1st flow
A first test case here

would be the normal situation, where the enough sum of

money is entered the first time, and selected mark of chocolate exists in vending machine.

Type of chocola-te

Valida-tion sum

Check selected chocola-te

Wait for enough money


Enter money


Select type of chocolate

Not enough

Money back

Give chocola-te

Enough money, with or w/o change


In 10

In 10 seconds

Chocolate doesn’t exist

Example 2: Test Cases. 1st flowA first test case here would be the normal situation, where the

Слайд 42Example 2: Test Cases. 2nd flow
A second test would be

to enter not enough sum of money the first time,

but the sum is getting enough the second time. And selected mark of chocolate doesn’t exist in vending machine.

Type of chocola-te

Valida-tion sum

Check selected chocola-te

Wait for enough money


Enter money


Select type of chocolate

Not enough

Money back

Give chocola-te

Enough money, with or w/o change


In 10 seconds

Chocolate doesn’t

In 10

Example 2: Test Cases. 2nd flowA second test would be to enter not enough sum of money

Слайд 43Example 2: Notification 3
We have covered all states and

These flows are used to create main test cases.


we may want to verify that all combinations of states and transitions still work correctly.

Additional test cases may make you feel warm and fuzzy. But there’s less probability that they discover defects previous cases don't find.

Example 2: Notification 3 We have covered all states and transitions. These flows are used to create

Слайд 44Example 2: Test Cases. 3rd flow
A third test case where

the enough sum of money is entered the first time,

and selected mark of chocolate doesn’t exists in vending machine.

Type of chocola-te

Valida-tion sum

Check selected chocolate

Wait for enough money


Enter money


Select type of chocolate

Not enough

Money back

Give chocola-te

Enough money, with or w/o change


In 10

In 10 seconds

Chocolate doesn’t exist

Example 2: Test Cases. 3rd flowA third test case where the enough sum of money is entered

Слайд 45Example 2: Test Cases. 4th flow
A fourth test would be

to enter not enough sum of money the first time,

but sum is getting enough the second time. And selected mark of chocolate exists in vending machine.

Type of chocola-te

Valida-tion sum

Check selected chocola-te

Wait for enough money


Enter money


Select type of chocolate

Not enough

Money back

Give chocola-te

Enough money, with or w/o change


In 10 seconds

Chocolate doesn’t

In 10

Example 2: Test Cases. 4th flowA fourth test would be to enter not enough sum of money

Слайд 46Summary


Слайд 47Summary

Capture requirements and describe the design of the application.
Describe how

the state of the application may vary.
Determine all the events

that occur during the application and how the application reacts to these events.

So State Transition testing technique is a tool to:

SummaryCapture requirements and describe the design of the application.Describe how the state of the application may vary.Determine

Слайд 49Before practice start
Let’s summarize the steps of the technique:

all states.
Consider and prioritize according to requirements all ways which

cover whole functionality.

Identify all transitions.

Create a test case for each way, that covers main functionality.

Create additional test cases that cover remaining functionality (if it is needed).

Before practice startLet’s summarize the steps of the technique: Determine all states.Consider and prioritize according to requirements

Слайд 50Practice


Слайд 51For creating appointment provider selects the date and enters his

Short Name (SN).

If the SN was entered incorrectly the warning

message appears and SN should be entered again.

If SN has been entered correctly but provider is busy at selected date the appropriate message appears and provider has to select date and enter the SN again.

If provider is not busy on selected date he selects an operatory (Op) and a free time from list. After this appointment is created.

Task 1

For creating appointment provider selects the date and enters his Short Name (SN).If the SN was entered

Слайд 52Task 1: State diagram
Validati-on of SN and date
Wait for Op

and time
Appointment is created
Select the date
Select Op and time

for SN

Enter SN

Invalid SN

Provider is busy

SN is valid and provider isn’t busy

Task 1: State diagramValidati-on of SN and dateWait for Op and timeAppointment is createdStartSelect the date Select

Слайд 53Task 1: Test Cases. 1st flow
A first test case here

would be the normal situation, where the SN was entered

correctly and the provider is not busy at the selected date.

Validati-on of SN and date

Wait for Op and time

Appointment is created


Select the date

Select Op and time

Wait for SN

Enter SN

Invalid SN

Provider is busy

SN is valid and provider isn’t busy

Task 1: Test Cases. 1st flowA first test case here would be the normal situation, where the

Слайд 54Task 1: Test Cases. 2nd flow
A second test case verifies

the case when some of validation doesn’t pass every time.

The entered SN is valid but provider is busy at selected date. Or SN is invalid.

Validati-on of SN and date

Wait for Op and time

Appointment is created


Select the date

Select Op and time

Wait for SN

Enter SN

Invalid SN

Provider is busy

SN is valid and provider isn’t busy

Task 1: Test Cases. 2nd flowA second test case verifies the case when some of validation doesn’t

Слайд 55Task 1: Test Cases. 3rd flow
A third test case where

the SN is invalid at first time but valid at

the second time and the provider is not busy.

Validati-on of SN and date

Wait for Op and time

Appointment is created


Select the date

Select Op and time

Wait for SN

Enter SN

Invalid SN

Provider is busy

SN is valid and provider isn’t busy

Task 1: Test Cases. 3rd flowA third test case where the SN is invalid at first time

Слайд 56Task 1: Test Cases. 4th flow
A fourth test case where

the SN is valid at every time and the provider

is busy at the first selected date, but not busy at the second one.

Validati-on of SN and date

Wait for Op and time

Appointment is created


Select the date

Select Op and time

Wait for SN

Enter SN

Invalid SN

Provider is busy

SN is valid and provider isn’t busy

Task 1: Test Cases. 4th flowA fourth test case where the SN is valid at every time

Слайд 57Task 1: Test Cases. 5th flow
A fifth test is following.

At first time SN is invalid at but valid at

the second time an the provider is busy at the first selected date, but not busy at date selected the second time. This test case covers all previous flows.

Validati-on of SN and date

Wait for Op and time

Appointment is created


Select the date

Select Op and time

Wait for SN

Enter SN

Invalid SN

Provider is busy

SN is valid and provider isn’t busy

Task 1: Test Cases. 5th flowA fifth test is following. At first time SN is invalid at

Слайд 58For creating appointment provider selects his Short Name (SN) from

the list of clinic's providers and than enters the date

of appointment.

If provider is busy on entered date or the date’s format is incorrect the warning message appears and the date should be entered again. If provider is not busy on entered date he selects a free time and an operatory (Op) from lists. After this appointment is created.

Task 2

Provider can entre invalid date twice. After third invalid try the calendar with available dates for selected provider appears. And the date should be selected from calendar.

If selected operatory is not available the appropriate message appears and provider should select another operatory (Op) from appeared list of free operatories.

For creating appointment provider selects his Short Name (SN) from the list of clinic's providers and than

Слайд 59Task 2: State diagram
Validati-on of the date
Wait for Op and

Validati-on of Op
Select Op
and time
Wait for date
Select SN


Provider is busy or incorrect date format
Try < 3

Provider isn’t busy

Enter the date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format. Try = 3


Appoint-ment is created

List of free Ops

Op is available

Op isn’t available

Select Op

Task 2: State diagramValidati-on of the dateWait for Op and timeValidati-on of OpStartSelect Op and timeWait for

Слайд 60Task 2: Test Cases. 1st flow
A first test case here

would be the normal situation, when the date was entered

correctly, provider is not busy at the selected date. And the Op is available.
Task 2: Test Cases. 1st flowA first test case here would be the normal situation, when the

Слайд 61Task 2: Test Cases. 1st flow
Validati-on of the date
Wait for

Op and time
Validati-on of Op
Select Op
and time
Wait for date

Select SN

Select date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format
Try < 3

Provider isn’t busy

Enter the date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format. Try = 3


Appoint-ment is created

List of free Ops

Op is available

Op isn’t available

Select Op

Task 2: Test Cases. 1st flowValidati-on of the dateWait for Op and timeValidati-on of OpStartSelect Op and

Слайд 62Task 2: Test Cases. 2nd flow
A second test is following.

The date is invalid at every time and provider is

busy every time until calendar appears. The Op isn’t available every time until calendar appears.
Task 2: Test Cases. 2nd flowA second test is following. The date is invalid at every time

Слайд 63Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 2nd flow
Validati-on of the date
Wait for

Op and time
Validati-on of Op
Select Op
and time
Wait for date

Select SN

Select date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format
Try < 3

Provider isn’t busy

Enter the date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format. Try = 3


Appoint-ment is created

List of free Ops

Op is available

Op isn’t available

Select Op

Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 2nd flowValidati-on of the dateWait for Op and timeValidati-on of OpStartSelect Op and

Слайд 64Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 3rd flow
A third test case where

the date was entered incorrectly and provider is busy at

first time, but ok at second time and the Op is available at first time.
Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 3rd flowA third test case where the date was entered incorrectly and provider

Слайд 65Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 3rd flow
Validati-on of the date
Wait for

Op and time
Validati-on of Op
Select Op
and time
Wait for date

Select SN

Select date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format
Try < 3

Provider isn’t busy

Enter the date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format. Try = 3


Appoint-ment is created

List of free Ops

Op is available

Op isn’t available

Select Op

Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 3rd flowValidati-on of the dateWait for Op and timeValidati-on of OpStartSelect Op and

Слайд 66Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 4th flow
A fourth test case where

the date was entered incorrectly and provider is busy every

time until calendar appears and the Op is available at first time.
Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 4th flowA fourth test case where the date was entered incorrectly and provider

Слайд 67Task 2: Test Cases. 4th flow
Validati-on of the date
Wait for

Op and time
Validati-on of OP
Select Op
and time
Wait for date

Select SN

Select date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format
Try < 3

Provider isn’t busy

Enter the date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format. Try=3


Appoint-ment is created

List of free Ops

Op is available

Op isn’t available

Select Op

Task 2: Test Cases. 4th flowValidati-on of the dateWait for Op and timeValidati-on of OPStartSelect Op and

Слайд 68Task 2: Test Cases. 5th flow
A fifth test case where

the date was entered correctly and provider is not busy

at first time. The operatory isn't available at first time.
Task 2: Test Cases. 5th flowA fifth test case where the date was entered correctly and provider

Слайд 69Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 5th flow
Validati-on of the date
Wait for

Op and time
Validati-on of Op
Select Op
and time
Wait for date

Select SN

Select date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format
Try < 3

Provider isn’t busy

Enter the date

Provider is busy or incorrect date format. Try = 3


Appoint-ment is created

List of free Ops

Op is available

Op isn’t available

Select Op

Tasks: 2 Test Cases. 5th flowValidati-on of the dateWait for Op and timeValidati-on of OpStartSelect Op and

Слайд 70Task 3
Operation with procedures (Proc) for selected patient:

1. Provider

adds planned Proc to the patient;
2. When planned Proc has

been done provider should change its status from 'Plan' to 'Completed;
3. When completed Proc has been paid provider should change its status from 'Completed’ to ‘Paid’;

4. If planned or completed Proc has incorrect information and it has not been paid yet it can be deleted by provider;
5. If 100 days take after adding planned Proc it will automatically become inactive and can't be deleted, but it can be voided by provider;
6. If 100 days take after adding complete Proc, that has not been paid it will auto-matically get status 'Warning‘ and can't be deleted, but it can be voided or paid;
7. It is no possibility to make any operation with paid Proc.

Task 3 Operation with procedures (Proc) for selected patient:1. Provider adds planned Proc to the patient;2. When

Слайд 71Task 3: State diagram
Paid Proc
Inactive Proc
Proc posted
Add ‘Plan’
Delete Proc

‘Completed’ status
Delete Proc
Choose ‘Paid’ status
In 100 days
Choose ‘Void’


In 100 days

Patient selected

Choose ‘Paid’ status

Choose ‘Void’ Status

Task 3: State diagramPaid ProcInactive ProcPlannedProc postedAdd ‘Plan’ ProcDelete ProcComplet-edProcChoose ‘Completed’ statusDelete ProcChoose ‘Paid’ statusIn 100 daysVoidedChoose

Слайд 72Task 3: Test Cases. 1st flow
A first test case here

would be the normal situation, when planned procedure for selected

patient has been added, completed and paid.
Task 3: Test Cases. 1st flowA first test case here would be the normal situation, when planned

Слайд 73Task 3: Test Cases. 1st flow
Paid Proc
Inactive Proc
Proc posted
Add ‘Plan’

Delete Proc
Choose ‘Completed’ status
Delete Proc
Choose ‘Paid’ status
In 100 days
Choose ‘Void’


Warning Proc

In 100 days

Patient selected

Choose ‘Paid’ status

Choose ‘Void’ Status

Task 3: Test Cases. 1st flowPaid ProcInactive ProcPlannedProc postedAdd ‘Plan’ ProcDelete ProcComplet-edProcChoose ‘Completed’ statusDelete ProcChoose ‘Paid’ statusIn

Слайд 74Task 3: Test Cases. 2nd flow
A second test case where

the planned procedure has been added, completed, deleted, and than

the planned procedure has been added again and deleted.
Task 3: Test Cases. 2nd flowA second test case where the planned procedure has been added, completed,

Слайд 75Task 3: Test Cases. 2nd flow
Paid Proc
Inactive Proc
Proc posted
Add ‘Plan’

Delete Proc
Choose ‘Completed’ status
Delete Proc
Choose ‘Paid’ status
In 100 days
Choose ‘Void’


Warning Proc

In 100 days

Patient selected

Choose ‘Paid’ status

Choose ‘Void’ Status

Task 3: Test Cases. 2nd flowPaid ProcInactive ProcPlannedProc postedAdd ‘Plan’ ProcDelete ProcComplet-edProcChoose ‘Completed’ statusDelete ProcChoose ‘Paid’ statusIn

Слайд 76Task 3: Test Cases. 3rd flow
A third test case where

the planned procedure has been added, and voided after 100

days passed.

Task 3: Test Cases. 3rd flowA third test case where the planned procedure has been added, and

Слайд 77Task 3: Test Cases. 3rd flow
Paid Proc
Inactive Proc
Proc posted
Add ‘Tx

Delete Proc
Choose ‘Completed’ status
Delete Proc
Choose ‘Paid’ status
In 100 days


Warning Proc

In 100 days

Patient selected

Choose ‘Paid’ status

Choose ‘Void’ Status

Task 3: Test Cases. 3rd flowPaid ProcInactive ProcPlannedProc postedAdd ‘Tx Plan’ ProcDelete ProcComplet-edProcChoose ‘Completed’ statusDelete ProcChoose ‘Paid’

Слайд 78Task 3: Test Cases. 4th flow
A fourth test case where

the planned procedure has been added completed, after 100 days

has got warning status and has been paid at the end.

Task 3: Test Cases. 4th flowA fourth test case where the planned procedure has been added completed,

Слайд 79Task 3: Test Cases. 4th flow
Paid Proc
Inactive Proc
Proc posted
Add ‘Tx

Delete Proc
Choose ‘Completed’ status
Delete Proc
Choose ‘Paid’ status
In 100 days


Warning Proc

In 100 days

Patient selected

Choose ‘Paid’ status

Choose ‘Void’ Status

Task 3: Test Cases. 4th flowPaid ProcInactive ProcPlannedProc postedAdd ‘Tx Plan’ ProcDelete ProcComplet-edProcChoose ‘Completed’ statusDelete ProcChoose ‘Paid’

Слайд 80Task 3: Test Cases. 5th flow
A fifth test case where

the planned procedure has been added completed, after 100 days

has got warning status and at has been void.

Task 3: Test Cases. 5th flowA fifth test case where the planned procedure has been added completed,

Слайд 81Task 3: Test Cases. 5th flow
Paid Proc
Inactive Proc
Proc posted
Add ‘Tx

Delete Proc
Choose ‘Completed’ status
Delete Proc
Choose ‘Paid’ status
In 100 days


Warning Proc

In 100 days

Patient selected

Choose ‘Paid’ status

Choose ‘Void’ Status

Task 3: Test Cases. 5th flowPaid ProcInactive ProcPlannedProc postedAdd ‘Tx Plan’ ProcDelete ProcComplet-edProcChoose ‘Completed’ statusDelete ProcChoose ‘Paid’

Слайд 82References


Слайд 83Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers

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