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Стерлитамак–самый красивый город

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Слайд 1стерлитамак


Слайд 2Стерлитамак–самый красивый город

Стерлитамак–самый красивый город

Слайд 3History of our city
More than two centuries ago-in 1766, the

first caravan of 30 barges loaded with Iletsk salt for

the Central provinces of Russia went down the Belaya river from the Ashkadar pier. This year is also associated with the Foundation of Sterlitamak, whose name comes from the combination of two words: "Sterlya" - a river in the city and Bashkir language "TAMAK", which means the neck, the mouth. The city soon became a shopping center, as it was located at the intersection of two important highways: Orenburg - Ufa and Verkhneuralsk - Bugulma - Kazan.
History of our cityMore than two centuries ago-in 1766, the first caravan of 30 barges loaded with

Слайд 4 Before the revolution, Sterlitamak was one-story, wooden,

had 6 Orthodox churches and 5 Muslim mosques, a women's

gymnasium and a real school, 18 businesses and 6 doctors. Although the factory industry began to develop by the end of the nineteenth century, the urban economy never really developed.
Before the revolution, Sterlitamak was one-story, wooden, had 6 Orthodox churches and 5 Muslim

Слайд 5October events of 1917 changed the dull and monotonous life

of a small town lost in the Bashkir steppes. On

March 23, 1919, a decree was signed on the formation of the Bashkir ASSR, and Sterlitamak became the capital of the young Autonomous Republic.

Monument "Liberation" to the heroes of the civil war

October events of 1917 changed the dull and monotonous life of a small town lost in the

Слайд 6The memorial "Eternal flame"
Military revolutionary traditions were continued during the

great Patriotic war. 25 residents of the city and district

who defended our Motherland were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 10 thousand sterlitamaks did not return from the front, their names are written in the "Book of memory", in their honor, on may 9, 1967, the Eternal flame of glory was lit.
The memorial

Слайд 7Lenin avenue. Main city street.
Time counts down years and decades,

Sterlitamak is growing and gaining strength, which today has 260

thousand inhabitants of more than 30 nationalities. It became the second industrial and cultural city of Bashkiria after Ufa, and gained a strong reputation as a hard worker. Its industrial face today is defined not only by large chemical companies. Mechanical engineering, food and light industry, and construction industry have been developed. The city produces soda, synthetic rubber, pipe-laying machines, robot machines, and construction materials.
Lenin avenue. Main city street. Time counts down years and decades, Sterlitamak is growing and gaining strength,

Слайд 8The Bashkir culture was born in Sterlitamak. Here opened the

first professional theater, now academic, awarded the order of the

red banner of Labor theater named after M. Gafuri in Ufa, often coming on tour to the city that gave it life. The first book in Bashkir was published in Sterlitamak. From here came the pioneers of national poetry, drama, music and visual arts. The cultural level of the city is growing even today: a drama theater and a house of music are open, writers 'and journalists' organizations are working, city, district and multi-circulation Newspapers are published, there are art and music schools, folk and Amateur groups that have received their registration in the beautiful palaces of culture of industrial enterprises of the city.

Palace of culture SK

Drama theatre

The Bashkir culture was born in Sterlitamak. Here opened the first professional theater, now academic, awarded the

Слайд 9Industry
The economic potential of the city is largely determined by

large chemical and petrochemical enterprises. In 2008, chemists and petrochemists

sent commercial products worth 37 billion 340 million rubles. The company "Soda" in 2008 shipped products for 13 billion 788 million rubles. Joint-stock company "caustic" shipped products worth 10 billion 344 million rubles. Sterlitamak petrochemical plant shipped products worth 3 billion 868 million rubles to consumers. Snkhz remains the only Russian supplier of phenolic antioxidants for the production of rubbers, and continues to develop the production of stabilizers of the Agidol series.Machine building and machine tool industries in the city are represented by large joint stock companies: "Sterlitamak machine tool plant", "Red proletarian", "car Repair plant", "Stroymash Plant", "inmash Concern". In addition, the city has powerful enterprises of the construction industry and building materials. Within 6 months, the company" Construction materials " shipped cement, clinker and other products in the amount of 2 billion rubles. At the same time, for the first time in the past 14 years, sodoviki managed to achieve a volume of cement production of more than 1 million tons. There are construction organizations, the largest of which is JSC "Sterlitamakstroy". The food industry is widely represented. The stalk plant (alcohol and vodka production), the Shihan brewery (until 2005), the Sterlitamak bakery, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009, also has 2 large dairy plants and more than 4 sausage factories on the territory of the city.The city's industrial sector produced and shipped 43.2 billion worth of products.rubles, the industrial production index is 85.7 %.
Industry The economic potential of the city is largely determined by large chemical and petrochemical enterprises. In

Слайд 10Our factory

Our factory

Слайд 11Эти заводы и загрязняют наш любимый город

Эти заводы и загрязняют наш любимый город

Слайд 12Экология и благоустройство города
В 1970-х годах в связи с плохой

экологической обстановкой в городе, в плане развития Стерлитамака, появились проекты

по озеленению города. Существовала даже программа, при которой каждый школьник должен был посадить дерево, и по словам бывшего мэра Ахметова, школьник, посадивший дерево в детстве, будет по-другому относиться к проблемам загрязнения родного города в будущем. В результате чего к 2007 году количество традиционно русских деревьев берёзы увеличилось на 350 % и превысило данный показатель такого города-миллионика, как Самара.
В 1987 году приняты постановления Совмина СССР, которые призваны были улучшить экологическую обстановку в городе. В настоящее время, существует множество программ по озеленению и благоустройству Стерлитамака, республиканским и городским бюджетами выделяются необходимые средства для выполнения данных задач, привлекаются граждан в сферу озеленения и благоустройства города.
В Стерлитамаке, реализуется федеральная программа реформирования ЖКХ. В городе она функционирует с 2008 года, но уже горожанам и гостям города ярко представлен результат, это разноцветные, яркие «хрущёвки», с застеклёнными пластиковыми рамами балконами, с новыми черепичными крышами, с оптимизированными лифтами, новыми сточными трубами и отремонтированными подъездами.
В 2007 году Федеральным агентством по строительству и ЖКХ по итогам Всероссийского конкурса на звание «Самый благоустроенный город России», Стерлитамаку присуждено первое место среди городов с населением до миллиона человек[3]. За 15 лет Стерлитамак из списка самых загрязнённых городов перешёл в список самых чистых и зелёных городов России. Одной из причин столь резкого улучшения экологии и благоустроенности стала стратегия администрации города в отношении основных промышленных предприятий — каждому из 17 крупнейших заводов был «прикреплён» район города, который они должны обслуживать. Другой причиной стала агитация за соблюдение чистоты на улицах, психология жителей города, ответственное отношение служб города к своим обязанностям.
В 2009 году МУП «Управление парковым хозяйством» Стерлитамака заняло первое место в российском конкурсе «Хрустальное колесо 2009» среди парков России и стран СНГ в номинации «Лучший парк развлечений с количеством посетителей от 100 тыс. до 250 тыс. человек в год».

Экология и благоустройство города В 1970-х годах в связи с плохой экологической обстановкой в городе, в плане

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