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Sydney Tower

Its height is 309 meters or 1001 feet. Australians call the tower “the needle that pierces the heavens”

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Слайд 1Sydney Tower

Sydney Tower

Слайд 2Its height is 309 meters or 1001 feet. Australians call

the tower “the needle that pierces the heavens”

Its height is 309 meters or 1001 feet. Australians call the tower “the needle that pierces the

Слайд 3The observation deck, currently called the Sydney Tower Eye, is

located 250 m above the city streets.

The observation deck, currently called the Sydney Tower Eye, is located 250 m above the city streets.

Слайд 4Restaurant for 220 people. It is located under the main

observation deck. More than 185 thousand people visit it annually,

of which at least 50 thousand are foreigners.
Restaurant for 220 people. It is located under the main observation deck. More than 185 thousand people

Слайд 5The tower has a maximum capacity of 960 people. The

ascent is carried out by 3 double-deck high-speed elevators, which

can take visitors to the observation deck in 40 seconds. As an alternative to the elevator, you can climb the stairs, consisting of 1,054 steps.
The tower has a maximum capacity of 960 people. The ascent is carried out by 3 double-deck

Слайд 6The championship in speed climbing to the top of the

tower is held here annually. The record, set in 1998,

is 6 minutes 52 seconds and has not been broken to this day.
The championship in speed climbing to the top of the tower is held here annually. The record,

Слайд 7The Tower of Sydney houses a large number of different

shops offering interesting goods and themed souvenirs to tourists. Sometimes

the tower is used to launch fireworks, and on Christmas and New Year's holidays, it is beautifully illuminated with colorful lights.
The Tower of Sydney houses a large number of different shops offering interesting goods and themed souvenirs

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