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T he United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Flag of the UK is called Union flag or “Union Jack”Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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Слайд 1The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 3Flag of the UK is called Union flag or “Union


Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Flag of the UK is called Union flag or “Union Jack”Symbols of the United Kingdom of Great

Слайд 4“Union Jack”

“Union Jack”

Слайд 5National flag of England (Saint George’s cross)

National flag of England  (Saint George’s cross)

Слайд 6Saint George
(c. 275/281 – 23 April 303)

according to tradition, a Roman soldier. He is regarded as

one of the most prominent (выдающийся) military saints.

Patron Saint Saint George

Saint George (c. 275/281 – 23 April 303)  was, according to tradition, a Roman soldier. He

Слайд 7 It takes its name from Tudor dynasty. It

is a symbol of beefeaters (солдат Тауэра) and yeomen (землевладельцы).

National flower of England Tudor’s rose

It takes its name from Tudor dynasty. It is a symbol of beefeaters (солдат Тауэра)

Слайд 8 It traditionally symbolises bravery, valour (мужество), strength, and royalty,

since traditionally, it is regarded as the king of beasts.

animal of England Lion
It traditionally symbolises bravery, valour (мужество), strength, and royalty, since traditionally, it is regarded as the

Слайд 9National flag of Scotland (Saint Andrew’s cross)

National flag of Scotland (Saint Andrew’s cross)

Слайд 10Saint Andrew ( from the early 1st century—mid to late

1st century AD), is a Christian apostle and the brother

of Saint Peter. He was a fisherman. Later he was the founder and the first Bishop of the Church of Byzantium (Византий - древний город на европейском берегу пролива Босфор).

Patron Saint Saint Andrew

Saint Andrew ( from the early 1st century—mid to late 1st century AD), is a Christian apostle

Слайд 11According to the legend a sleeping party of Scots warriors

(воины) were saved from ambush by an invading Norse army

when one of the attackers trod on (наступил на) a thistle with his bare feet. His cries raised the alarm (часовые), the roused Scots duly defeated the invaders, and the thistle was adopted as the symbol of Scotland. Unfortunately, there is no historical evidence for this, but Scots, like other nations, love a good story.

National flower of Scotland Thistle

According to the legend a sleeping party of Scots warriors (воины) were saved from ambush by an

Слайд 12Although the Unicorn is the mythical creature it is also

a popular Scottish heraldic symbol, Unicorns have been associated with

Royalty and heraldry since at least the time of the Romans.

National animal of Scotland Unicorn

Although the Unicorn is the mythical creature it is also a popular Scottish heraldic symbol, Unicorns have

Слайд 13National flag of Wales (The Red Dragon)

National flag of Wales  (The Red Dragon)

Слайд 14Saint David (c. 500–589) was a Welsh Bishop. He founded

(основывать) monastic settlements and churches. It is claimed that David

lived for over 100 years, and he died on a Tuesday 1 March (now St David’s Day).

Patron Saint Saint David

Saint David (c. 500–589) was a Welsh Bishop. He founded (основывать) monastic settlements and churches. It is

Слайд 15The daffodil (нарцисс) is the national flower of Wales.
The vegetable

called leek (лук-порей) is also considered to be a traditional

emblem of Wales. There are many explanations of how the leek became the national emblem of Wales. One is that St David advised the Welsh, on the eve of battle with the Saxons, to wear leeks in their caps to distinguish (отличить) friend from foe (враг).

National flowers of Wales Daffodil and Leek

The daffodil (нарцисс) is the national flower of Wales.The vegetable called leek (лук-порей) is also considered to

Слайд 16The Red Dragon is a popular Welsh symbol.
National animal

of Wales Red Dragon

The Red Dragon is a popular Welsh symbol. National animal of Wales Red Dragon

Слайд 17National flag of Northern Ireland

National flag of Northern Ireland

Слайд 18Saint Patrick (ca. 387 – 17 March, 493 or ca.

460). He was a bishop of the country. By the

seventh century, he had come to be revered as the patron saint of Ireland.

Patron Saint Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick (ca. 387 – 17 March, 493 or ca. 460). He was a bishop of the

Слайд 19The Shamrock, a three-leafed plant similar to a clover, which

is an unofficial symbol of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Shamrocks

are said to bring good luck (приносить удачу). This flower is related to an Irish tale of St. Patrick, which tells of how Patrick used the three-leafed shamrock to explain the Trinity (God as three hypostasis - the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit).

National flower of Northern Ireland Shamrock

The Shamrock, a three-leafed plant similar to a clover, which is an unofficial symbol of Ireland and

Слайд 20England
Northern Ireland

EnglandLondonEdinburghCardiffBelfastScotlandWalesNorthern Ireland

Слайд 22Saint Patrick
Saint David
Saint George
Saint Andrew

Saint PatrickSaint DavidSaint GeorgeSaint Andrew

Слайд 23

London Bridge
The Houses of Parliament
Westminster Abbey

London BridgeThe Houses of ParliamentStonehengeWestminster Abbey Tower12354

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