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AimsI can describe the effect that human activity has on the Earth.I can define carbon footprint and understand how our activities affect it.I can suggest ways we can reduce our

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2
I can describe the effect that human activity has

on the Earth.
I can define carbon footprint and understand how

our activities affect it.
I can suggest ways we can reduce our carbon footprint and help protect the environment.
AimsI can describe the effect that human activity has on the Earth.I can define carbon footprint

Слайд 3What Is Your Carbon Footprint?
Many of your daily activities require

Just think about your morning routine - what is


I like toast for breakfast with a glass of fresh orange juice.
Then, my Mum drives me to school.

My alarm clock rings at 7am. I get up and take a shower, then brush my teeth. I have a new electric toothbrush!

What Is Your Carbon Footprint?Many of your daily activities require energy. Just think about your morning routine

Слайд 4What Is Your Carbon Footprint?
Even these simple things we take

for granted require energy.
The energy needed for these simple routines

produces a gas called carbon dioxide. This is known as a ‘greenhouse’ gas because it traps heat, causing the Earth to warm up. The more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, the worse it is for the environment.

Toast - made with an electric toaster.

Orange juice - made with oranges grown in Spain.

Car - runs on fossil fuel.

Alarm clock - uses batteries.

Shower - gas used to heat the water.

Electric toothbrush - uses electricity to charge up.

What Is Your Carbon Footprint?Even these simple things we take for granted require energy.The energy needed for

Слайд 5What Is Your Carbon Footprint?
The amount of carbon you produce

as a result of your daily activities is known as

your carbon footprint.
Everything we do has an impact on the environment.
If we made small changes to our daily routine, we could reduce our carbon footprint and have a positive effect on the environment.

What small changes could you make?

What Is Your Carbon Footprint?The amount of carbon you produce as a result of your daily activities

Слайд 6Take public transport!
If more people use buses and trains, they

use less fuel per person, meaning less carbon dioxide produced!

for a walk!
You will feel better for the fresh air and get some exercise at the same time.

Do you really need to drive?
If the answer is yes, try car sharing. That way you can still reduce the amount of carbon dioxide you produce.

Does your school have bike or scooter racks?
If so, use your own energy to get to school and reduce your carbon footprint!

Take public transport!If more people use buses and trains, they use less fuel per person, meaning less

Слайд 7Unplug!
Leaving appliances on standby continues to use electricity. If you

don’t need it, switch it off!
Switch off!
Switch off lights

when you leave a room. A simple way to stop wasting electricity.

Cool water washing!
Set your dishwasher or washing machine to a cooler setting. 90% of the energy needed goes towards heating the water.

Energy-saving lightbulbs!
Invest in energy-saving lightbulbs around your house. They last 15 times longer and use 80% less energy than other lightbulbs.
That’s saving money as well as energy!

Unplug!Leaving appliances on standby continues to use electricity. If you don’t need it, switch it off! Switch

Слайд 8Ready, steady, cook!
By cooking meals from scratch, less energy would

be used in terms of packaging.
Do you enjoy cooking? What

would be your favourite meal?

Bag for life!
You are charged for the carrier bags you use - why do you think this is? Perhaps you own a ‘bag for life’. This way, you can reuse the bag again and again, therefore reducing waste and improving your carbon footprint.

Grow your own!
Try growing your own food. All you need is a plant pot, some soil, some seeds and a sunny spot.
Strawberries are easy to grow in summer. What else could you try?

Eat seasonally!
By eating food that is in season, there would be less fuel used to transport food from abroad and refrigerate it.

Eat local!
Do you know where your food comes from? Can you buy food that was grown locally? That way, there would be less energy used in the transporting your food from other countries.

Ready, steady, cook!By cooking meals from scratch, less energy would be used in terms of packaging.Do you

Слайд 9Reduce!
Reduce the rubbish you create. Do you need all that

packaging? Can you use that paper again? Reducing your waste

means saving money too. Can you think why?

Before throwing something
away, consider if it can be reused.
Plastic bags, paper, cardboard, even clothes can all be reused.
You could organise a uniform ‘Swap Shop’ at school.
You could arrange a junk modelling competition with your friends.

If you can’t reuse it, recycle it. Sort your waste to see what can be recycled. Recycling materials uses less energy than creating them.

Even food scraps can be recycled. Compost them instead of throwing away. Create a wormery to see how food waste is broken down.

Reduce!Reduce the rubbish you create. Do you need all that packaging? Can you use that paper again?

Слайд 10Get gardening!
Get out into the garden and plant! Not only

will your environment look better, you’ll be getting exercise and

feel better too.
You don’t need lots of space, just a plant pot and some compost should get you started.

Plant a tree!
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Planting a tree will help restore the balance in the atmosphere.

Get gardening!Get out into the garden and plant! Not only will your environment look better, you’ll be

Слайд 11Now you understand a little more about your carbon footprint,

you can start making small changes that could make a

big difference to our world.

The world is in your hands. Take care of it!

Now you understand a little more about your carbon footprint, you can start making small changes that

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