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Тема: Равные возможности. Наша землячка Анна Миленина. Выполнили: Гордеев

THE WORLD OF EQUaL opportunitiesCompiled by Vlad Gordeev ,Vlada Melnik ,9 Form students. secondary school №16.KARPINSK.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Тема: «Равные возможности. Наша землячка Анна Миленина.»
Выполнили: Гордеев Владислав и

Мельник Влада.
Класс: 9
Школа :16
Руководитель: Волочнёва Валентина Александровна.

Тема: «Равные возможности. Наша землячка Анна Миленина.»Выполнили: Гордеев Владислав и Мельник Влада.Класс: 9Школа :16Руководитель: Волочнёва Валентина Александровна.

Слайд 2THE WORLD OF EQUaL opportunities
Compiled by
Vlad Gordeev ,
Vlada Melnik

9 Form students.

secondary school №16.

THE WORLD OF EQUaL opportunitiesCompiled by Vlad Gordeev ,Vlada Melnik ,9 Form students. secondary school №16.KARPINSK.

Слайд 3The HISTORY of the games
Neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman was the

father of the Games. During the Second World War on

the basis of Stoke Mandeville hospital in the English town of Aylsbury he established the Center for treating spinal injuries. Thanks to the efforts of Guttman, in 1960 in Rome, a few weeks after the end of the XVII Olympic
games international competitions for the disabled
were held.
The HISTORY of the games Neurosurgeon Ludwig Guttman was the father of the Games. During the Second

Слайд 4 The Symbol of the Games
The Paralympic movement has chosen

a combination of three elements of different colours, which are

called “agitos” for its emblem. They are three hemispheres, located around the central point, each of them has its own colour — red, blue and green. The motto of the Paralympics is "Spirit in motion.“

The Symbol of the GamesThe Paralympic movement has chosen a combination of three elements of different

Слайд 6Roman Petushkov
Roman Petushkov, whose biography is full of

tragedy, has proved that the disabled are not lost. Look

at his awards. In childhood he went in for karate, boxing, judo.

Roma saw a lot of films and read very much about martial arts, because he wanted to be strong, but February 2006, radically changed his life.

There was a car accident, after which his both legs were amputated. But he did not give up.

And today Petushkov is the only six-time champion, Honoured master of sports of Russia.

Roman Petushkov   Roman Petushkov, whose biography is full of tragedy, has proved that the disabled

Слайд 7Alexandra frantseva
This beautiful woman was born blind, she did not

see the world in all its vivid colours from birth.

Sasha decided to go in for swimming. It ended pretty quickly. However, there were coaches, who recognized the future "star" of skiing in her.

She became the best athlete of the Paralympics in Alpine skiing. She was getting gradually to the top: Sasha began with a bronze medal in the downhill, and, finally, was given a Gold medal in slalom.


And we think skiing with weak eyesight is a real feat. And that proves that Paralympic athletes are full-fledged members of our society. They manage to overcome themselves and overcome their own fears.

Alexandra frantsevaThis beautiful woman was born blind, she did not see the world in all its vivid

Слайд 8ANNA MILEnina (Burmistrova)

Anna Milenina was born in the town

of Krasnoturinsk. She was born in a sporty family. Her

mom and dad were fond of skiing. They dreamed that their child would inherit their thirst for skiing. But, when Anya was born, they understood that their dreams could not come true .Anna had a birth trauma. Her left hand did not work well, but her parents helped her cope with all difficulties. Anna went to a secondary school. At an early age she became interested in skiing. Anna felt no pity for herself, she had two trainings a day and took part in different competitions. She became the best. Nowadays Anna is eleven-time world champion, six-time Paralympic champion and seven-time medalist of the Paralympics.

ANNA MILEnina (Burmistrova) Anna Milenina was born in the town of Krasnoturinsk. She was born in a

Слайд 11
While working on our presentation we met Anna and

asked her some questions:
1.Do you think that Paralympiad is a

stage towards equal opportunities?
Anna replies that in the Paralympic games people with disabilities can compete with peers. Russian athletes have taken the highest prizes at the Paralympic games. They differ from all by their amazing courage and desire to win.

2. Have you got many friends from other countries?

Anna says that she has got some Russian-speaking friends from the Ukraine, but there are also guys from Japan and Canada.
While working on our presentation we met Anna and asked her some questions:1.Do you think that

Слайд 14Looking at our Paralympic athletes, we feel admiration and

pride. They are the Gold Fund of Russia.

Looking at our Paralympic athletes, we feel  admiration and pride. They are the Gold  Fund

Слайд 15Thanks for your tIME.

Thanks for your tIME.

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