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The person I admire

Zmyshenkov Valery Albertovich was born in Ukraine, in 1961, in the family of a former tanker. Since childhood, he received the nickname “ZHMIH", which stuck with him for life. At the

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Слайд 1The person I admire
Made by: Shakhmurzaev Maximilian 7AO

The person I admireMade by: Shakhmurzaev Maximilian 7AO

Слайд 2Zmyshenkov Valery Albertovich was born in Ukraine, in 1961, in

the family of a former tanker. Since childhood, he received

the nickname “ZHMIH", which stuck with him for life. At the age of 18 he entered the Belarusian Academy of Sciences (Socr. Ban.) During his studies he was fond of history and military equipment. After graduation, BAN founded his airline called “Zhmih Airlines" where for many years he successfully worked as a founding pilot, but once when flying from Kiev to Nigeria, a terrible thing happened on Board 228 flight 1488 on which Valery was flying and 380 passengers refused both engines and had to make an emergency landing, that day 27 people died, but 353 people were rescued. For incredible professionalism and resilience in a critical situation Zhmyshenko Valery Albertovich received the first in his life order "for courage". But Valery Albertovich, after the crash I left the air force and very much lost interest in life.
Zmyshenkov Valery Albertovich was born in Ukraine, in 1961, in the family of a former tanker. Since

Слайд 3But his peaceful life did not last long. The armed

conflict in the East of Ukraine where Valery Albertovich on

father's insistence got to the same battalion where his father served in: 228 separate mechanized motorized infantry tank brigade "Sea rabbits" of forces of Ukraine began. From the first days actively participated in military operations. Personally destroyed 14 enemy tanks, 88 armored personnel carriers and combat vehicles in less than two years of service. In the APU of merit called a cyborg, he was often at the risk of sacrificing themselves for the prosperity of the world. At the age of 54 he was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine for his heroism and bravery in the fighting.
But his peaceful life did not last long. The armed conflict in the East of Ukraine where

Слайд 4Unfortunately, Valery Albertovich has no relatives left. The father died

of old age, and the mother went to bed after

learning about the diagnosis of her son and soon also left this world. Comrades “ZMIH" spoke of Valery as a selfless hero who sacrificed himself for the welfare of his homeland. And himself W. And modicum and mentally ill but he still remembers their staunchest comrades – on their battle cries: "Detrov", "SHS", “Borov", "Chim-chim" and others. Mental disorder strongly affected the "Cake" he began to talk to himself. Constantly repeats the phrase "Yes Yes ya", "dub Dub Dub". Also believes, that have him every day – this day birth where him marks on 54 year.
Unfortunately, Valery Albertovich has no relatives left. The father died of old age, and the mother went

Слайд 5Thank you for attention!
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