pages 6,7
Parliament pages 8, 9, 10
Landmarks page 11
London page 12
Nationalities and parts of the UK page 15
Test yourself! page 16
London page 12
Nationalities and parts of the UK page 15
Test yourself! page 16
Where is the UK?
The official name of
the UK is the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".
Great Britain
Northern Ireland
People in the UK are called British although they have different
Which countries?
The capital of the UK
is London
John Bull is a fictional character.
He is a traditional symbol f the UK.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
David Cameron was appointed Prime Minister in May 2010
The Cabinet Room
Number 10 Downing Street is the residence and office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The headquarters of Her Majesty's Government.
While the job of Government is to run the
country, the job of Parliament is to check
Government is carrying out its role properly
and effectively.
The Parliament works in Westminster Palace
Lord Chancellor
The English live in England
Label the map of the British Isles
The British Isles
Great Britain
The UK
Here you can see a version
of the Union flag offered by a Welsh MP in 2007.
What would the Union Flag look like if Wales was represented?
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