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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Geography page 3, 4 Flag page 5Prime Minister, Government, Queen pages 6,7 Parliament pages 8, 9, 10Landmarks page 11 London page 12Nationalities and parts of the UK page 15Test yourself!

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Слайд 1The United Kingdom
of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 2Geography page 3, 4
Flag page 5
Prime Minister, Government, Queen

pages 6,7
Parliament pages 8, 9, 10
Landmarks page 11

London page 12

Nationalities and parts of the UK page 15

Test yourself! page 16


Geography page 3, 4 Flag page 5Prime Minister, Government, Queen pages 6,7 Parliament pages 8, 9, 10Landmarks

Слайд 3The UK is situated on the British Isles, north-west of

the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the North


Where is the UK?

The official name of
the UK is the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

Great Britain

Northern Ireland

The UK is situated on the British Isles, north-west of the European continent between the Atlantic Ocean

Is Great Britain the same as the

Great Britain
The UK
If you look at the full name of

the UK,
you will see that the UK includes Great
Britain AND Northern Ireland.

People in the UK are called British although they have different


THE BRITISH ISLESIrelandGreat BritainIs Great Britain the same as the UK?NO!Great BritainThe UKIf you look at the

Слайд 5The Union Flag, popularly known as the Union Jack, is

made up of the individual flags of three countries in

the Kingdom.

Which countries?

The capital of the UK
is London

John Bull is a fictional character.
He is a traditional symbol f the UK.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland

The Union Flag, popularly known as the Union Jack, is made up of the individual flags of

Слайд 6Politics of the United Kingdom

The UK is a parliamentary democracy

with a constitutional Monarch as Head of State
Elizabeth II

Prime Minister of the UK
is the political leader of the United Kingdom and the Head of Her Majesty's Government.

David Cameron was appointed Prime Minister in May 2010

Politics of the United KingdomThe UK is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional Monarch as Head of

Слайд 7The British Government
The Government is like the management
of the country.

It is made up of about
100 members of the political

party which
wins the most seats at a general election.

The Cabinet Room

Number 10 Downing Street is the residence and office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The headquarters of Her Majesty's Government.

The British GovernmentThe Government is like the managementof the country. It is made up of about100 members

Слайд 8The Parliament consists of two chambers known as the House

of Lords and the House of Commons.
The British Parliament

While the job of Government is to run the
country, the job of Parliament is to check
Government is carrying out its role properly
and effectively.

The Parliament works in Westminster Palace

The Parliament consists of two chambers known as the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Слайд 9House of Commons Chamber: Speaker's


The House of Commons
646 elected
Members of Parliament
or MPs.

The Speaker

in the House
of Commons
House of Commons Chamber:      Speaker's chairThe House of Commons646 electedMembers of Parliament

Слайд 10The House of Lords: Lords mace on the Woolsack

House of Lords
The House of Lords (approximately
720 unelected members, most

of them
appointed for life)

Lord Chancellor

The House of Lords: Lords mace on the Woolsack The House of LordsThe House of Lords (approximately720

Слайд 11
Landmarks of the UK

Landmarks of the UK

Слайд 12London, the capital of the UK

London, the capital of the UK

Слайд 13London, the capital of the UK

London, the capital of the UK

Слайд 14London, the capital of the UK

London, the capital of the UK

Слайд 15England
Northern Ireland
What countries make up the UK?
The Irish live

in Northern Ireland
The Welsh live in Wales
The Scots live in


The English live in England

EnglandScotlandNorthern IrelandWhat countries make up the UK? WalesThe Irish live in Northern IrelandThe Welsh live in WalesThe

Слайд 16Where is the UK situated
What is the official name

of the UK
What are people called in the UK
What is

Great Britain
Is Great Britain the same as the UK
What is the capital of the UK
What is the nickname of the British flag
Is John Bull a real man
Is the UK a republic or a monarchy
Who runs the UK
What is the British Parliament like
Where does the Parliament work
Who are MPs
Who is the Prime Minister
Where does he work and live

What is the British Government like
Where does the Government work
What countries make up the UK

Name the best-known landmarks.


Label the map of the British Isles




















The British Isles

Great Britain

The UK






Where is the UK situated What is the official name of the UKWhat are people called in

Слайд 17England
Northern Ireland
Why doesn't the Welsh dragon appear on the Union

The Welsh dragon does not appear on the flag

because when the first Union Flag was created in 1606, Wales was already united with England from the 13th century.

Here you can see a version
of the Union flag offered by a Welsh MP in 2007.

What would the Union Flag look like if Wales was represented?

EnglandScotlandNorthern IrelandWhy doesn't the Welsh dragon appear on the Union Flag? The Welsh dragon does not appear

Слайд 18Иллюстрации.
Пособие Britain Explored авторы Paul Harvey, Rhodry Jones,

издательство Longman
Приём «Лента» Аствацатуров Г.О.
Приём «Листание» Попова С.Г.

Иллюстрации.http://www.phillipmartin.info/clipart/homepage.htmhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Londonhttp://britain.phillipmartin.info/index.htmhttp://www.fotosearch.com/illustration/british-flag.htmlhttp://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/customs/questions/stereotypes.htmhttp://www.michellehenry.fr/civistereotype.htmhttp://www.parliament.uk/about/mps-and-lords/principal/speaker/commons-speaker-competition-2010/lesson-plans/ Пособие Britain Explored  авторы Paul Harvey, Rhodry Jones, издательство Longmanhttp://it-n.ru/board.aspx?cat_no=200708&tmpl=Thread&BoardId=200711&ThreadId=277818Приём «Лента»  Аствацатуров Г.О. http://it-n.ru/board.aspx?cat_no=13748&tmpl=Thread&BoardId=13751&ThreadId=311453Приём

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