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After World War II were huge stocks of canned goods, which were supplied with American soldiers. In order to sell their already stale products company Hormel Foods held the first of its kind advertising campaign. The word «SPAM» caught the eye at every corner, with windows all the shops, it was written on the sides of buses

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1SPAM
And protection from it.

SPAMAnd protection from it.

Слайд 2After World War II were huge stocks of canned goods, which were supplied with American soldiers. In

order to sell their already stale products company Hormel Foods held the first of its kind advertising campaign. The word «SPAM» caught

the eye at every corner, with windows all the shops, it was written on the sides of buses and trams. This word can be read on the facadesof houses and in the newspapers. Advertising canned «SPAM» continually broadcast over the radio. In general, from it was not possible to escape - it is everywhere, "rushed" into his eyes andsounded in all the receivers.

Origin of the word.

After World War II were huge stocks of canned goods, which were supplied with American soldiers. In order to sell their already stale products company Hormel Foods held the first of its

Слайд 3What is spam? In our time.
Spam is the use of electronic

messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately.

What is spam? In our time.Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk

Слайд 4Advertising.
Some companies involved in legal business, advertise their products or services using spam. They can perform its own

 newsletter but more often it ordered the companies (or individuals)

who specialize in this. 
Advertising.Some companies involved in legal business, advertise their products or services using spam. They can perform its own      newsletter but more

Слайд 5“Nigerian Letters”
Sometimes spam is used to entice money from the message recipient. The most common method is

called "Nigerian letters" because a large number of these letters come from Nigeria. This letter contains a

message that the recipient of the letter can be obtained by any means a large sum of money, and the sender can help it. Then the message sender wants you to send him some money under the pretext, for example, documentation or open an account.
“Nigerian Letters” Sometimes spam is used to entice money from the message recipient. The most common method is called 

Слайд 6“Fishing”.
"Phishing" - another way of fraud through spam. It is an attempt entice the recipient of spammers letters the

number of his credit cards or access codes to online payment systems. This letter is usually disguised as official

communication from the administration of the bank.

Слайд 7Other types of spam:
* “Chain letters”.
* Dissemination of political propaganda.

* Mass mailing to output mail system failure (DoS-attack).
* Mass mailing on behalf of another

person to call him a negative attitude.
* Mass mailing of letters containing computer viruses (for an initial distribution).
Other types of spam: * “Chain letters”. * Dissemination of political propaganda. * Mass mailing to output mail system failure (DoS-attack). * Mass

Слайд 8Preventive actions to protect.
The most reliable way fight spam - ​​spammers do not allow to find an email

address. This is a difficult task, but some precautions can be taken.

Preventive actions to protect.The most reliable way fight spam - ​​spammers do not allow to find an email address. This is a difficult task, but some precautions can be

Слайд 9* From time to time change your address,
* You should not publish your email

address on public sites.
* You do not need no full guarantee non-disclosure to register on websites.

You should never reply to spam or pass on the links contained therein.

* When choosing an email address, you should, if possible, stay on a long and uncomfortable forguessing the name.

* From time to time change your address, * You should not publish your email address on public sites.* You do not need no full

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