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Three periods in history of Kiev Rus

(the second part of IX – the end of X)(the end of Х – the middle of ХI)(the middle of ХI – the begging of ХII)Time frame for the historical period

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Three periods in history of Kiev Rus

Three periods in history of Kiev Rus

Слайд 2(the second part of IX – the end of X)

end of Х – the middle of ХI)
(the middle of

ХI – the begging of ХII)

Time frame for the historical period

(the second part of IX – the end of X)(the end of Х – the middle of

Слайд 3Kievan Rus was situated on two important trade routes, the

Volga route to Scandinavian lands, and the caravan route connecting

Europe to the Muslim nations.
Kievan Rus was situated on two important trade routes, the Volga route to Scandinavian lands, and the

Слайд 4The first period
According to the Primary Chronicle, a Varangian named Rurik first

established himself in Novgorod in about 860 C.E. before moving south and

extending his authority to Kiev.

Rurik (862–879)

The first periodAccording to the Primary Chronicle, a Varangian named Rurik first established himself in Novgorod in about 860 C.E. before

Слайд 5Oleg began a series of military campaigns from Novgorod, took

control of the region, moving the capital from Novgorod to

Kiev at this time.

Oleg (879–912)

Oleg began a series of military campaigns from Novgorod, took control of the region, moving the capital

Слайд 6Igor engaged in successful military campaigns and exacted tribute from

the conquered.
Igor (912–945)

Igor engaged in successful military campaigns and exacted tribute from the conquered. Igor (912–945)

Слайд 7Olga made a diplomatic visit to Byzantium, where she was

baptized in an Orthodox ceremony. She also carried out tax

reform, called "uroki i pogosty".

Olga (945–969)

Olga made a diplomatic visit to Byzantium, where she was baptized in an Orthodox ceremony. She also

Слайд 8Sviatoslav`s decade-long reign over Rus' was marked by rapid expansion

through the conquest of the Khazars of the Pontic steppe

and the invasion of the Balkans.

Sviatoslav (964–972)

Sviatoslav`s decade-long reign over Rus' was marked by rapid expansion through the conquest of the Khazars of

Слайд 9The second period
As a result of internecine war between the

sons of Sviatoslav: Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir, the youngest, Vladimir,

comes to power. His reign is considered to be the heyday of Kievan Rus.

Vladimir (978–1015)

The second periodAs a result of internecine war between the sons of Sviatoslav: Yaropolk, Oleg and Vladimir,

Слайд 10Like Vladimir, Yaroslav was eager to improve relations with the

rest of Europe, especially the Byzantine Empire. Under the rule

of Prince Yaroslav, the country came to the long-awaited peace and there was the first written set of laws, which was called «Yaroslav's truth»

Yaroslav (1016–1054)

Like Vladimir, Yaroslav was eager to improve relations with the rest of Europe, especially the Byzantine Empire.

Слайд 11The third period
The restoration of the unity of Kievan Rus'

took place under the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise -

Vladimir Monomahah. He made 83 campaigns, signed 19 peace treaties. He established diplomatic ties with states, including by dynastic marriages.

Vladimir Monomahah (1113–1125 )

The third periodThe restoration of the unity of Kievan Rus' took place under the grandson of Yaroslav

Слайд 12Mstislav Vladimirovich glorified his name with great victories, as well

as wise decisions during the life of his great father.

Mstislav Vladimirovich (1125–1132)

Mstislav Vladimirovich glorified his name with great victories, as well as wise decisions during the life of

Слайд 13Resources
Collins, R. Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000. Palgrave, 2010.
Dougherty, M. J.

Vikings: A History of the Norse People. Amber Books, 2018.

R. The Vikings: A History. Penguin Books, 2010.
Sawyer, P. The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings. Oxford University Press, 2001.

ResourcesCollins, R. Early Medieval Europe, 300-1000. Palgrave, 2010.Dougherty, M. J. Vikings: A History of the Norse People.

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