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Тимофеева А.А. 2020 © 1 Last practice:

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©Last practice:

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©
Last practice:

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©Last practice:

Слайд 2Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©
Last practice:

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©Last practice:

Слайд 3Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©

Слайд 4Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©

Слайд 5Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©
Todays practice:

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©Todays practice:

Слайд 6Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©

Слайд 7The forms of international economic relations
International trade in goods and


The international movement of capital;

Labour migration;

International exchange of knowledge;

The international currency and settlement relations.

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c


The forms of international economic relationsInternational trade in goods and services;The international movement of capital; Labour migration;International

Слайд 8Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©
Fill in the gaps and add comments

including definitions and examples
Definition + Example

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©Fill in the gaps and add comments including definitions and examplesDefinition + Example

Слайд 9Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©
add examples to each type of FDI

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©add examples to each type of FDIExampleExampleExample

Слайд 10Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c
FDI+ and -
Draw scheme of positive and

negative sides of FDI (take objects of influence)

Company Consumers/people
1 Donor 2 Recipient

+more money in budget
- Worsen ecology


Timofeeva A.A. 2020 cFDI+ and -Draw scheme of positive and negative sides of FDI (take objects of

Слайд 11Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©
Think about the factors influencing FDI
Fill in

the gaps and explain this factors

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©Think about the factors influencing FDIFill in the gaps and explain this factors

Слайд 12Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©
Example and additional positions to lecture slide

Тимофеева А.А. 2020 ©Example and additional positions to lecture slide

Слайд 13Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c
Portfolio investment

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 cPortfolio investment

Слайд 14Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 15Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c

Слайд 16Timofeeva A.A. 2020 c
What are American Depositary Receipts (ADR)?

Timofeeva A.A. 2020 cWhat are American Depositary Receipts (ADR)?

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