Разделы презентаций

Today is the 16 th of April

Uni Life"Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance."

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Today is the 16th of April

Today is the 16th of April

Слайд 3 Uni Life
"Education is a progressive
discovery of

our own ignorance."

Uni Life

Слайд 4Choosing a university

Choosing a university

Слайд 5Choosing a university

accommodation free time activities

Choosing a universityCity/place        accommodation    free time activities

Слайд 6Listening
Which student(s) mention(s):


getting involved in

organized activities?

- lack of money?
ListeningWhich student(s) mention(s):       - getting involved in

Слайд 7Listening
Which student(s) mention(s):


getting involved in

organized activities?

- lack of money?
ListeningWhich student(s) mention(s):       - getting involved in

Слайд 8Reading
Which student(s) mention(s)
- a special dress code?

- a nighttime snack?

- self-study?

ReadingWhich student(s) mention(s) - a special dress code?    - a nighttime snack?

Слайд 9Find all words in the text related to the headings

Find all words in the text related to the headingsReading

Слайд 10Find all words in the text related to the headings

Find all words in the text related to the headingsReading

Слайд 11Imagine you are studying at Oxford University. Use the words

to talk about university life.

Imagine you are studying at Oxford University. Use the words to talk about university life. Speaking

Слайд 12Hometask
p. 131 ex. 5.

Think of the most prestigious

university in our country. Write a short article about it.

were students live;
academic life;
social life.

Hometaskp. 131 ex. 5.  Think of the most prestigious university in our country. Write a short

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