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The incredibly beautiful monuments, well-preserved historic areas and unique natural attractions in each European country there are objects that deserve special attention. Each is presented in the ranking of the sites

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Слайд 2The incredibly beautiful monuments, well-preserved historic areas and unique natural

attractions in each European country there are objects that deserve

special attention. Each is presented in the ranking of the sites has its own unique history and amazing features.
The incredibly beautiful monuments, well-preserved historic areas and unique natural attractions in each European country there are

Слайд 3Austria
Railway Semmering

AustriaRailway Semmering

Слайд 12The road is constructed at a height of 985 m

above sea level, and due to the complexity of the

terrain in this area had to cut through 14 tunnels, to build 16 viaducts, some of them with two floors and over a hundred stone bridges and 11 small iron bridges. Station road and administrative facilities are often built from the waste of rocks derived during the tunnel construction.

The road is constructed at a height of 985 m above sea level, and due to the

Слайд 13The area between Gloggnitz and Murzzuschlag was built from 1848

to 1854, he became the world's first high mountain railway

station. The building was attended by about 20,000 people. During its existence (150 years, by the way!) Semirings piece of metal almost not rebuilt. Spent only a contact wire for electric locomotives and all.
The main Creator of the railway project was Karl von Gega, an outstanding engineer and architect. He ensures that all the structures not only served the people in favor, but also into the surrounding landscape, blending in with the surrounding nature. With the opening of Simmeringly glands these places before inaccessible because of its topography, has become one of the most important resort areas of Austria.
The area between Gloggnitz and Murzzuschlag was built from 1848 to 1854, he became the world's first

Слайд 14UK
Blenheim Palace

UK Blenheim Palace

Слайд 15The legendary Blenheim Palace attracts tourists from all over the

world, although he still does not belong to the state,

and the family of Marlborough. Part of the premises in the Palace except for the private rooms open to the public.
Blenheim is not far from Oxford, and it better get here on foot. First, both will be able to explore all the scenic beauty of the area, and secondly, the bus coming here almost half an hour, while pleasant strolls, you can reach the Palace in just 10 minutes.
First thing in the Blenheim Palace need to look chic is almost entirely marble lobby. Notable interior, it's also possible to select antique ceiling was made in 1716.
The legendary Blenheim Palace attracts tourists from all over the world, although he still does not belong

Слайд 18Another interesting room in Blenheim Palace is a library. It

is a huge hall with a length of 55 meters,

fully lined with book shelves. At first glance, it seems endless. As everyone knows, most of these books is collectible and rare books
Another interesting room in Blenheim Palace is a library. It is a huge hall with a length

Слайд 20Spain
Cave Of Altamira

SpainCave Of Altamira

Слайд 24Cantabria, located in the Northern part of Spain, belongs to

the regions most rich in archaeological finds from the Paleolithic

era. Among the many prehistoric caves discovered in this area of the cave of Altamira, located near the largest center of the province of the city of Santander, takes a special place.
The length of the cave is 270 meters. Consists of double corridors and the great hall. Scientists have proved that quite a long time in the cave lived some animals, then they were replaced first people.
The pictures represent pictures of different animals: Buffalo, wild boar, deer, horses. It is also possible to detect the fingerprints and even whole hands.
Perfectly depicts the appearance of the animals. They are peaceful and ready to jump, lazily resting. Each figure carries a certain action. He was drawn with one hand, without ideas and sketches. The clarity is amazing and makes you wonder how ancient man was able to recreate this vivid and exact picture.
Cantabria, located in the Northern part of Spain, belongs to the regions most rich in archaeological finds

Слайд 25Norway
The Wooden Church in Urnes

NorwayThe Wooden Church in Urnes

Слайд 32Stavkirke is a frame or mast of the temple, the

decoration of which is aligned between the Christian and pagan

motifs. One of the largest and oldest of these churches is the stave Church in Urnes was built in the XIII century and remains functional at the moment. It also became a monument of the World legacy of UNESCO.
Stavkirke is a frame or mast of the temple, the decoration of which is aligned between the

Слайд 33France
The Cathedral in Chartres

FranceThe Cathedral in Chartres

Слайд 44In less than a hundred kilometers from Paris is an

ancient city of Chartres, which the world-famous architectural monument of

special historical value. It is the Chartres Cathedral of the blessed virgin Mary (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres), which since the 13th century has been preserved almost unchanged and is a unique and pure example of early Gothic architecture, is almost spoiled by the influence of more recent currents in architecture.
Chartres is more famous for its magnificent Cathedral, introduced in 1979 by the Commission of UNESCO among the monuments that are of special historical value. Located on a high hill, Chartres Cathedral is perfectly visible from all sides, majestically sailing in the haze over the city, and being the kind of visit card and symbol.
In less than a hundred kilometers from Paris is an ancient city of Chartres, which the world-famous

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