Разделы презентаций

Touchstone@MISiS http://vk.com/touchstonevmis

The Focus Language Skills (CEFR Guide Level)Organization (time-management, deadlines, vocabulary notebook, using a planner)Learning to learn (accelerate your learning) Develop communicative skills (Conversation strategies, pair-work, group-work)Finding answers (effective research, reading, note-taking,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1



Слайд 2The Focus
Language Skills (CEFR Guide Level)
Organization (time-management, deadlines, vocabulary

notebook, using a planner)
Learning to learn (accelerate your learning)

communicative skills (Conversation strategies, pair-work, group-work)
Finding answers (effective research, reading, note-taking, color coding)
Critical thinking (project work)
Writing (focuses on successful writing for exams)
Revising (skills for exam preparation)
The Focus Language Skills (CEFR Guide Level)Organization (time-management, deadlines, vocabulary notebook, using a planner)Learning to learn (accelerate

Слайд 3The Focus
Language Skills (CEFR Guide Level)
Organization (time-management, deadlines, vocabulary

notebook, using a planner)
Learning to learn (accelerate your learning)

communicative skills (Conversation strategies, pair-work, group-work)
Finding answers (effective research, reading, note-taking, color coding)
Critical thinking and analysis (project work, discussions, debates)
Writing (focuses on successful writing for exams)
Revising (skills for exam preparation)
The Focus Language Skills (CEFR Guide Level)Organization (time-management, deadlines, vocabulary notebook, using a planner)Learning to learn (accelerate

Слайд 4Common European Framework
A1 (beginner)
A1-A2 (elementary)
A2-B1 (low intermediate)

B1 (intermediate)

Common European FrameworkA1 (beginner)A1-A2 (elementary) A2-B1 (low intermediate) B1 (intermediate)

Слайд 6Rating System
Class Participation: Feb.-March – 20 pts +

April-May – 20 pts
Project work: In-class - 10 pts

+ Online - 10 pts
Online tasks/Assignments: Feb.-March – 10 pts + April-May – 10 pts
Tests: Midterm – 10 pts, Final - 10 pts
0-50 points – “2”
51 – 69 points – “3” 70 - 84 points - “4” 85 - 100 points – “5” 

Rating System Class Participation: Feb.-March – 20 pts + April-May – 20 pts Project work: In-class -

Слайд 7Blended Learning
Cambridge LMS

4 Assignments – 3

pts max. each

Blended Learning Cambridge LMS   http://www.cambridgelms.org/mainCourseWorkbook Tests4 Assignments – 3 pts max. each

Слайд 8Blended Learning
LMS Canvas

10 Assignments – 2 pts max.


Blended Learning LMS Canvas https://lms.misis.ru/login/ldap10 Assignments – 2 pts max. each

Слайд 9Thank you for attention!
Remember that you are making the first

steps to reach the highest goal

Thank you for attention!Remember that you are making the first steps to reach the highest goal

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