Разделы презентаций

Trade credit

Plan:Introduction about trade credit Trade Credit TrendsExampleAdvantages and disadvantagesConclusionList of sources

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Слайд 1Trade credit
Made by A.A. Logunov CF3-5

Trade creditMade by A.A. Logunov CF3-5

Слайд 2Plan:
Introduction about trade credit
Trade Credit Trends
Advantages and disadvantages
List of


Plan:Introduction about trade credit Trade Credit TrendsExampleAdvantages and disadvantagesConclusionList of sources

Слайд 3A trade credit is an agreement in which a customer

can purchase goods on account, paying the supplier at a

later date.


A trade credit is an agreement in which a customer can purchase goods on account, paying the

Слайд 4Trade Credit Trends
Trade credit is most rewarding for businesses that

do not have a lot of financing options. After the

2008 financial crisis, traditional financing options for small businesses, such as debt and equity financing, became increasingly limited.

Trade Credit Trends	Trade credit is most rewarding for businesses that do not have a lot of financing

Слайд 5How it works?

How it works?

Слайд 6Example
Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak
«Byte shop» made

an order for 50 computers, for each he paid $

500. Jobs immediately agreed, although they did not have enough money, but Jobs found a way out: he received a loan from Cramer Electronics distributor for 30 days.
ExampleSteve Jobs   and  Steve Wozniak«Byte shop» made an order for 50 computers, for each

Слайд 7Trade credit in the UK

Trade credit in the UK

Слайд 8Trade credit insurance
Trade credit insurers will generally cover two types

of risk:
Commercial risk - the risk that your customers are unable

to pay the outstanding invoices because of financial reasons, for example, declared insolvency or protracted default.
Political risk - non-payment as a result of events outside the policyholder or customer’s control, for example due to political events (wars, revolutions);  disasters, (earthquakes, hurricanes); or economic difficulties, such as a currency shortage so are unable to transfer money owed from one country to another.
Trade credit insurance Trade credit insurers will generally cover two types of risk:Commercial risk - the risk that

Слайд 9Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages

Слайд 10List of sources

List of sources https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/trade-credit.asphttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_credithttps://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/other/what-is-trade-credit/https://www.abi.org.uk/news/industry-data-updates/2013/06/trade-credit-stats/

Слайд 11Thank you for attention

Thank you for attention

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