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Let me introduce myself, my name is Victor. I was born in the 19 th of February, 1994 in Perm, which is the town of Russia. I am twenty-five. I am

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Travel


Слайд 2Let me introduce myself, my name is Victor. I was

born in the 19 th of February, 1994 in Perm,

which is the town of Russia. I am twenty-five. I am a student.
Our family is big. There are four of us: mother, father, little brother and me.
My brother`s name is Anton. He is 11. Anton is nice and funny.
My mother is a good-looking woman. She is 39. She has two high educations. She works as economist. My mother likes reading books and magazines and she knows a lot of interesting things. She always helps me with my problems.
My father is……
I study well. My favorite school desciplines are English, Russian, Literature and others.
It is important to have friends. My friends name is Artem. It’s not easy to meet a true and faithful friend. I am happy that I have got one. I trust her and I’m sure that I can rely on her in any situation. He is the single person who can ask for help and advice in unhappy moments of my life and whom I can tell all my problems. Personally, I think that friendship is a great force.
There are many interesting and exciting things to do when you are spending your free time. Each person has his interests and hobbies such as reading books, watching TV, going in for sports. As for me, I have many hobbies: they are – cooking, dancing, singing, and English language. I also fond of reading books. My favorite books are adventures and horror, love stories. When I am reading book I live the character`s life, suffer, and enjoy with them. My favorite hobby is studying English. I think it is necessary to have a hobby. Your free time is not wasted.
Everybody likes music – some people enjoy classical music, others are fond of popular music. Open-minded, I like all kinds of music. I am a meloman. Some music is happy, and some is sad. Some is serious, and some can make people laugh.
My family likes holidays a lot. We usually celebrate each of them with a lot of food and presents and big groups of relatives and friends.
I like to travel, but it is difficult to visit countries, when you do not know the language spoken there. If I know the language of the country which I am going to visit it will be easy to travel there. If I want to ask something, I can do it in English. There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with people there. I think that English will be my future career because I am good at this language.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Victor. I was born in the 19 th of February,

Слайд 3How far...?-Как далеко…?
Сould you tell me...?- Вы не могли

бы мне сказать...?
How do I get...?- Как попасть…?
Where is…?- Где

Post office-Почта
Traffic lights-Cветофор
Railway station-Железнодорожная станция, вокзал

How far...?-Как далеко…? Сould you tell me...?- Вы не могли бы мне сказать...?How do I get...?- Как

Слайд 4Way-Путь
Roundabout-Круговое движение
Main road-Главная дорога

Way-ПутьRoundabout-Круговое движениеRoad-ДорогаMain road-Главная дорогаCrossroad-Перекресток

Слайд 5Left-Слева
Diagonally-По диагонали
Straight ahead-Прямо
At the bottom-Внизу, на нижней части
Round the corner-За


Left-СлеваRight-СправаNext-СледующийOpposite-НапротивDiagonally-По диагоналиStraight ahead-ПрямоAt the bottom-Внизу, на нижней частиRound the corner-За углом

Слайд 6To walk-Гулять, идти
To go-Идти
To turn-Поворачивать
To drive-Ездить
To manage-Справляться, разрешать
To explain-Объяснять
To use-Использовать

turn out-Оказаться
To purchase-Покупать
To follow-Следовать
To permit-Разрешать
To cross-Пересекать
sounds easy-Звучит легко
Take your time-не



To walk-Гулять, идтиTo go-ИдтиTo turn-ПоворачиватьTo drive-ЕздитьTo manage-Справляться, разрешатьTo explain-ОбъяснятьTo use-ИспользоватьTo turn out-ОказатьсяTo purchase-ПокупатьTo follow-СледоватьTo permit-РазрешатьTo cross-Пересекатьsounds easy-Звучит

Слайд 7Mile-Миля
Tooting Broadway-Тутинг Бродвей

Mile-МиляUnderground-МетроStation-СтанцияSign-ЗнакMap-КартаTooting Broadway-Тутинг Бродвей

Слайд 8Northen Line-Северная ветка,линия
Destination-назначение, пункт назначения
Station staff-Сотрудники станции
Circular line-Однопутная ветка

Northen Line-Северная ветка,линияDestination-назначение, пункт назначенияDirection-направлениеTrain-ПоездPlatform-ПлатформаTicket-БилетTourist-ТуристPurchaser-ПокупательStation staff-Сотрудники станцииCircular line-Однопутная ветка

Слайд 9Edgware-Эджвар (район)

Edgware-Эджвар (район)

Слайд 10Tottenham Court Road-Тоттенхэм-Корт-Роуд(улица)

Tottenham Court Road-Тоттенхэм-Корт-Роуд(улица)

Слайд 11Mill Hill East-Мил Хилл Ист(станция)

Mill Hill East-Мил Хилл Ист(станция)

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