Слайд 2Soil Processing Basics
Under the tillage understand the impact on it
with special machines and implements. By treatment, it is possible
to loosen the arable layer or compact it, get rid of weeds, plant fertilizers, turf, stubble in the soil, give the surface a certain structure to combat erosion, destroy the seeds of diseases and pests in the soil, deepen the arable layer, smelling part of the arable
prepare the top layer for sowing seeds.
Слайд 31. Loosening
2. Seal
3. Stirring
4. Wrapping
5. Weed Pruning
6. Alignment
7. Cutting Furrows,
The Formation Of Ridges And Ridges.
Слайд 4Technological processes in the tillage:
Разовое воздействие на почву почвообрабатывающими машинами
или орудиями называют приемом обработки почвы. Каждым приемом обработки выполняют
одну или несколько технологических операций.
подрезание сорняков
выравнивание поверхности ,
уплотнение , поделка гряд , гребней , ячеек , борозд и т . д
Слайд 5
Methods of basic tillage:
The main tillage is the first deepest
tillage after harvesting the predecessor. The following methods of primary
tillage are most common: cultural plowing, subsurface cultivation, planting plowing, milling. Sometimes the main tillage is not carried out.
Слайд 6Types of plowing:
1. The turnover of the reservoir;
2. The take-off
of the reservoir;
3. Cultural plowing.
Слайд 7Surface Finishing Techniques.
Surface Treatment Is Considered When Its Depth Does
Not Exceed 12-14cm.
Or After Him. Sometimes Some Methods Of Surface
Treatment Are Used Instead Of The Main Ones.
Слайд 8The main methods of tillage:
1.Peeling - a processing technique in
which loosening, partial wrapping, soil mixing and cutting of weeds
Слайд 92. Cultivation - loosening and mixing of the soil. Its
depth is usually from 5-6 to 11-12cm. Cultivators are used
for continuous and inter-row cultivation.
Слайд 103. Harrowing - a method of treatment in which the
soil surface is loosened, mixed and leveled, weed seedlings are
partially destroyed and cut.
Harrowing can be independent or carried out simultaneously with plowing.
Слайд 114. Rolling - security leveling and compaction of the soil.
Soil compaction allows for uniform seed placement.
Слайд 12Tillage system
A number of tillage techniques, carried out in a
certain sequence to solve certain problems, make up the tillage
The most important tillage systems:
1) under winter crops;
2) under spring crops;
3) irrigated crops;
4) soil.
Слайд 13Assessment of the quality of soil cultivation
1. Lack of flaws
Observance of the established depth
3. Lumpiness of the field surface
Слайд 14And now we will fix the studied material!
Слайд 151. List the tasks of tillage.
2. What is the main
tillage, what are its methods?
3. list the methods of surface
4. What are the requirements for the quality of tillage.