Разделы презентаций

Types of thermometers

Liquid thermometersThe principle of operation of such a thermometer is based on the expansion and contraction of the liquid that fills the bulb changes its volume when oscillating at its own

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Types of thermometers

Types of thermometers

Слайд 2Liquid thermometers
The principle of operation of such a thermometer is

based on the expansion and contraction of the liquid that

fills the bulb changes its volume when oscillating at its own temperature.

Mechanical thermometers

The principle of operation of such thermometers is also based on expansion. Such thermometers differ in the special accuracy of measurements.

Liquid thermometersThe principle of operation of such a thermometer is based on the expansion and contraction of

Слайд 3Gas thermometers
In contrast to liquid thermometers in gas, some kind

of inert gas is used.
Digital thermometers
These mercury free thermometers

are easy to use and the reading is displayed in a more convient form.
Gas thermometersIn contrast to liquid thermometers in gas, some kind of inert gas is used.Digital thermometers These

Слайд 4Infared thermometers
These thermometers use a crystal which is sensitive

to infared or heat radiation. One of the exclusive qualities

of it is that it is based on non-contact mechanism which makes them really easy to use.
Infared thermometers These thermometers use a crystal which is sensitive to infared or heat radiation. One of

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