Разделы презентаций


Capital---LondonPopulation---46 million peopleSymbol------Red RoseENGLAND

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 4Capital---London
Population---46 million people
Symbol------Red Rose


Capital---LondonPopulation---46 million peopleSymbol------Red RoseENGLAND

Слайд 5Capital----Edinburgh
Population-----5 million


Capital----EdinburghPopulation-----5 millionSymbol------ThistleSCOTLAND

Слайд 6Capital-----Cardiff
Population-----2 million

Capital-----CardiffPopulation-----2 millionSymbol--------DaffodilWALES

Слайд 8Capital-----Belfast
Population----1.5 million

Northern Ireland

Capital-----BelfastPopulation----1.5 millionSymbol------ShamrockNorthern Ireland

Слайд 11The Royal Family

The Royal Family

Слайд 12The beatles

The beatles

Слайд 14How many parts are there in Great Britain?
What river is

the capital situated on?
Who is the head of the country?

is the home of the Queen?
What is the double-decker?
What is Big Ben?
What is the symbol of England?
What is the symbol of Scotland?
What is the symbol of Wales?
What is the Scottish national costume?
What is the national instrument of Scots?

What do we learn about THE UK?

How many parts are there in Great Britain?What river is the capital situated on?Who is the head

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