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TheophyllineAdenosine receptors blockersPhosphodiestheraze inhibitorstabilizes cAMP Decreases intracellular calcium concentrationDilates smooth musclesSupresses degranulation of mast cellsIncreases tonus of respiratory muscles (intercostal and diaphragm)Dilates pulmonary vessels, improves oxygenationsSuppresses platelet aggregation factor and PGE2alpha,

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Theophylline
Adenosine receptors blockers
Phosphodiestheraze inhibitor
stabilizes cAMP
Decreases intracellular calcium concentration
Dilates smooth

Supresses degranulation of mast cells
Increases tonus of respiratory muscles (intercostal

and diaphragm)
Dilates pulmonary vessels, improves oxygenations
Suppresses platelet aggregation factor and PGE2alpha, improves stability of RBC to deformation
Coronary arteries dilation
TheophyllineAdenosine receptors blockersPhosphodiestheraze inhibitorstabilizes cAMP Decreases intracellular calcium concentrationDilates smooth musclesSupresses degranulation of mast cellsIncreases tonus of

Слайд 3Bioavaolability > 90%
Cmax 2 hrs (non-retard) and 6 hrs (retard)
Excreted by kidneys

and partially breast milk

Bioavaolability > 90%Cmax 2 hrs (non-retard) and 6 hrs (retard)Excreted by kidneys and partially breast milk

Слайд 4Indications
Asthma (including status)
Sleep apnoe

IndicationsAsthma (including status)COPDSleep apnoe

Слайд 5Contraindications
Hypersensitivity including to other xantines (coffein, pentoxyphyllin, theobromin)
Hemorrhagic stroke,

retinal bleeding, MI, recent bleeding, peptic ulcer,
Marked coronary arteries

Hypotension, hypertension, severe tachyarrhytmia
ContraindicationsHypersensitivity including to other xantines (coffein, pentoxyphyllin, theobromin) Hemorrhagic stroke, retinal bleeding, MI, recent bleeding, peptic ulcer,

Слайд 6Accurately
Marked coronary insufficiency (unstable angina)
Advanced atherosclerosis
Obstructive CMP
Heart failure
Trend to convulsions

Peptic ulcer
Prolonged hyerthermia
Prostatic gland hyperplasia
Hepatic or renal failure
Age >60 ore

AccuratelyMarked coronary insufficiency (unstable angina)Advanced atherosclerosisObstructive CMPHeart failureTrend to convulsionsPorphyria HypothyrosisPeptic ulcerGERDProlonged hyerthermiaProstatic gland hyperplasiaHepatic or renal

Слайд 7Side actions
Anxiety, conscious disorders, cramps, vision disorders, scotoma
angina, arhhythmias,

tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension
flu like syndrome, laryngitis and pharyngitis,

nasal obstruction
xerostomia, anorexia, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, exacerbation of cholecystitis, cholestatic hepatitis, increase of ALAT ASAT ALcPH, intestinal atony
decrease of WBC, platelets, pancytopeny
Side actionsAnxiety, conscious disorders, cramps, vision disorders, scotoma angina, arhhythmias, tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension flu like syndrome,

Слайд 8Interactions
Cimetidin, allopurinol, cyclosporin, macrolides, oral contraceptives – decrease clearance

phentoin, xantines, smoking increase biotransformation (induce microsomal enzymes)
Beta-blockers decrease broncholytic

Adsorbents and antacides decrease bioavailability
Theophyllin increases effect of diuretics and decrease – NSAIDS, probenecid, beta blockers
InteractionsCimetidin, allopurinol, cyclosporin, macrolides, oral contraceptives – decrease clearance Phenobarbital, phentoin, xantines, smoking increase biotransformation (induce microsomal

Слайд 9Teotard
200 and 350 mg
After meals, 350 mg once daily (evening)

– start dose, then 350 mg 2 times daily
Body mass

<40 kg – 200 mg initially, then 200 mg 2 times daily
Theophyllin blood levels should be 10–20 mg/ml.

Teotard 200 and 350 mgAfter meals, 350 mg once daily (evening) – start dose, then 350 mg

Слайд 10Afonilum® SR
Retard forte 375 mg
Retard 250 mg
Prolinged action 125 mg

Prolonged action 500 mg
2-3 capsels a day

Afonilum® SR Retard forte 375 mgRetard 250 mg Prolinged action 125 mg Prolonged action 500 mg2-3 capsels a

Слайд 11Agrylin
Decrease of platelets formation
Dose dependent heart rate increase and QTc

Cmax 1 hr, H1/2 1,3 hrs
Indications: high risk essential

thrombocytemia (age more than 60, platelets > 1000 х 109/l; thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications in history)
Agrylin Decrease of platelets formationDose dependent heart rate increase and QTc increaseCmax 1 hr, H1/2 1,3 hrs

Слайд 12Roflumilast Daxas®
Phosphodiestherase 4 inhibitor
PDE4 is the enzyme which metabolises cAMP

located in inflammatory cells
Mostly PDE4A, B,D
Main metabolite – N-oxide –

has same properties
Increased cAMP due to PDE block leads to decrease of excretion of LTB4, RPS, TNFalpha, IFN gamma, granzymB
In COPD decreases number of neutrophils in sputum
In healthy decreases neutrophils and Eos influx in airways after endotoxin use
Roflumilast Daxas®Phosphodiestherase 4 inhibitorPDE4 is the enzyme which metabolises cAMP located in inflammatory cellsMostly PDE4A, B,DMain metabolite

Слайд 13Bioavailability 80%
Cmax  1 hr; for N-oxide - 8 hrs (

4 – 13 hrs).
No influence of food intake
P450 metabolism

(CYP1A2 and 3A4)
T1/2 17 for roflumilast, 30 hrs for N-oxide
In aged – activity is increased
No serious changes in kidneys failure
In renal failure the inhibiting activity increases 20% for A class Clhild Peugh, 90% - in B class
Bioavailability 80%Cmax  1 hr; for N-oxide - 8 hrs ( 4 – 13 hrs). No influence of

Слайд 14Contraindications
B,C class liver failure
Systemic autoimmunities (not studied), tb, cancer, HIV

of biologics (no experience)
Depression with suicide trend
Galactose metabolism impairment

ContraindicationsB,C class liver failureSystemic autoimmunities (not studied), tb, cancer, HIVUse of biologics (no experience)Depression with suicide trendGalactose

Слайд 15Accurately
Fluvoxamin treatment (CYP1A2 inhibitor)
Enoxacin or cimetidin treatment

( CYP3A4/1A2)
Class A liver failure

Accurately Cytochrome Fluvoxamin treatment (CYP1A2 inhibitor) Enoxacin or cimetidin treatment ( CYP3A4/1A2)Class A liver failure

Слайд 16Side effects
Angioedema, gynecomastia, decreased body masse, decreased appetite
Insomnia, anxiety, several

reports inluded suicidal trend or suicide
Headache, tremor, vertigo, dizziness

increase, ASAT incrase, diarrhea, nausea, GERD, gastritis
Rash, urticaria
Myalgia, weakness, rare – CK increase
Side effectsAngioedema, gynecomastia, decreased body masse, decreased appetiteInsomnia, anxiety, several reports inluded suicidal trend or suicide Headache,

Слайд 17Use
0,5 mg once daily
No dose corrections for aged and mild

liver failure

Use0,5 mg once dailyNo dose corrections for aged and mild liver failure

Слайд 18Sildenafil Revatio™ (20 mg)
Inhibits cGMPdependent PDE-5
This enzyme is

present not only in male reproductive system but in pulmonary

vessels also
Sildenafil Revatio™ (20 mg)  Inhibits cGMPdependent PDE-5 This enzyme is present not only in male reproductive

Слайд 19Small BP decrease (about 9 mm), less marked in PH

patients (2 mm)
No influence on ECG
Improves life expectancy in

patients with pulmonary hypertension
Small BP decrease (about 9 mm), less marked in PH patients (2 mm) No influence on ECGImproves

Слайд 20Rapidely absorbed
Cmax  30-120 min
Р450: CYP3A4 and CYP2C9
T1/2 – 4-5 hrs
80% - intestinal


Rapidely absorbedCmax  30-120 minР450: CYP3A4 and CYP2C9T1/2 – 4-5 hrs80% - intestinal excretion

Слайд 21Contraindications
Venoocclusive pulmonary disease
Use of nitric oxide donators
Use of CYP3A4 inhibitors
Anterior ishemic

optic neuropathy with one eye vision loss (not vasculitic nature)

Liver failure >9 points
MI or stroke in case history
SBP<90, DBP<50
Lactose intoleranse
age <18
ContraindicationsVenoocclusive pulmonary diseaseUse of nitric oxide donatorsUse of CYP3A4 inhibitorsAnterior ishemic optic neuropathy with one eye vision loss

Слайд 22Accurately
III and IV classes of PH
Lecukemia, sickle cell anemia

Severe cardiac and pulmonary diseases

AccuratelyIII and IV classes of PH Lecukemia, sickle cell anemia Severe cardiac and pulmonary diseases

Слайд 23Dosage
20 mg 3 times daily

Dosage20 mg 3 times daily

Слайд 24Bosentan
Antagonist of ЕТА and ЕТВ receptors
Decreases pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance

BosentanAntagonist of ЕТА and ЕТВ receptorsDecreases pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance

Слайд 25Prolonged treatment (12 and 16 weeks) treatment III–IV functional class

lead to significant improvement

Prolonged treatment (12 and 16 weeks) treatment III–IV functional class lead to significant improvement

Слайд 2662,5 mg и 125 mg
62,5 mg 2 time daily –

4 wks, then 125 mg 2 times

62,5 mg и 125 mg62,5 mg 2 time daily – 4 wks, then 125 mg 2 times

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