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Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko was born in 7 april 1949 in Shepetovka (Ukrain USSR)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko.

Слайд 2Valentina Matvienko was born in 7 april 1949 in Shepetovka

(Ukrain USSR)

Valentina Matvienko was born in 7 april 1949 in Shepetovka (Ukrain USSR)

Слайд 3Her father-Ivan tyutin, soldier.
Mouther-Irina Tyutina worked as a costume designer

in the theatre. Valentina has two older sisters-Lydia and Zinaida.

Her father-Ivan tyutin, soldier.Mouther-Irina Tyutina worked as a costume designer in the theatre. Valentina has two older

Слайд 4V.Matvienko spent her childhood in Cerkassy

V.Matvienko spent her childhood in Cerkassy

Слайд 5She gradaudet high school with a silver medal, with a

honors Cherkassy`s medical school. In 1972 she gradauted Leningrad institute

of Chemical farmaseptic.
She gradaudet high school with a silver medal, with a honors Cherkassy`s medical school. In 1972 she

Слайд 6On the 5th year at college, she married Vladimir Matvienko.

He is Ukrain fanancier, baner, professor and mitsenat.

On the 5th year at college, she married Vladimir Matvienko. He is Ukrain fanancier, baner, professor and

Слайд 7In her youth, Valentina wanted to be a scientist, not

a politican, but she invented to work at the district

party committee. She accepted the invitation and to return to science throught 2-3 years.
In her youth, Valentina wanted to be a scientist, not a politican, but she invented to work

Слайд 8Valentina never went back to work a scientist. After gradauted

from the Academy of Social sciences and courses of diplomats.

V. Matvienko speaks English, German and Ukrainian
Valentina never went back to work a scientist. After gradauted from the Academy of Social sciences and

Слайд 9Valentina Ivanovna is a Soviet and Russian stateswomen politiciant, diplomat

and she was the gouverner of St.Peterburg from 2003 to

2011 year.
Now, she is a member of the party «United Russia»
Valentina Ivanovna is a Soviet and Russian stateswomen politiciant, diplomat and she was the gouverner of St.Peterburg

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