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Ways to improve the marketing performance of Baltic Business Forum

Presentation structureProblems which may be faced by a public forumVisual performance of BBF: logoVisual performance of BBF: site10 Management steps for organizing a successful public forumFollow-up Immediately After The Forum

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Слайд 1Ways to improve the marketing performance of Baltic Business Forum

Ways to improve the marketing performance of Baltic Business Forum

Слайд 2Presentation structure
Problems which may be faced by a public forum

performance of BBF: logo
Visual performance of BBF: site
10 Management steps

for organizing a successful public forum
Follow-up Immediately After The Forum
Presentation structureProblems which may be faced by a public forumVisual performance of BBF: logoVisual performance of BBF:

Слайд 3Problems which may be faced by a public forum
• They

tend to favor people who are especially articulate and have

the time to participate.
• An open forum provides a platform for opponents to attack or criticize the organizer, and can be easily disrupted by a dedicated minority.
• If attendance at a forum is low, the implication is that the cause does not enjoy much support.

While holding a public forum, it is very important to keep in mind the cultural sensitivities of the local area. Successful forums will focus on meeting the needs and interests of the community.

Problems which may be faced  by a public forum• They tend to favor people who are

Слайд 4Visual performance of BBF: logo
Logos are an essential part of

creating a visual representation of the company that people can

recognize. Logos create a brand identity for a company, and branding helps a company be easily recognized

Good logos should be unique and comprehensible to potential customers. Although there are myriad choices for color, visual elements and typography, in general a logo should help convey some information about the company, or be designed in a way that gives some sense of meaning about the company or its industry. 

Visual performance of BBF: logoLogos are an essential part of creating a visual representation of the company

Слайд 5Visual performance of BBF: site
When designing an event website careful

attention should be paid to the size, placement, and style

of the text. Particularly the relationship between headers and paragraphs. Visitors should be able to skim and still understand the content hierarchy dividing sections of content.

International conferences are becoming more popular as both patrons and organizers are gaining valuable experience and meeting new people. Naturally the best way to organize a gathering is over the Internet so conference websites are rising in popularity.

From the first glance BBF site gives a few information about the event: no blocks or links that may help the user who is new to the web-page.

European Business Summit gives the info about dates, topics, sponsors, place and the scale of the event from the first glance.
Demonstrating sponsors’ logos on the home page may attract even more sponsors and partners.

Visual performance of BBF: siteWhen designing an event website careful attention should be paid to the size,

Слайд 610 Management steps for organizing a public forum
Put together

a management team
Conduct pre-event planning
Hire the hall

the hall
Generate publicity using the local media
Advertise locally
Plan an agenda
Conduct the forum
Follow-up immediately after the forum
Debrief on accomplishments and lessons learned
10 Management steps for organizing  a public forum Put together a management team Conduct pre-event planning

Слайд 7Follow-up Immediately After The Forum
Sign a Petition Ensure that the

petition is placed in a prominent location where attendees can

easily locate and sign the petition; also make sure that there are ample pens and petition papers for people to sign.
Collect Names, Addresses, Telephone Numbers and Emails of Participants. This is vital in ensuring that such events can be replicated and facilitates further follow-up
Promote Literature and Merchandise An enthused audience will be eager for more information. Therefore, have handouts which summarize the content of the forum and provide contact information for further inquiries. It is advisable to prepare a one page summary on the issue with factual details, problems and possible solutions. Situate the literature and merchandise tables near the exit so that everyone passes them on their way out.
Network It is important to book the hall for at least an hour after the official close of the forum. People who have made the effort to attend are likely to be more highly politically motivated than most. Have plenty of business cards to give out
Finally… Follow-up with the Contacts Capitalize on the enthusiasm from the forum and contact those who appeared most interested in participating in further activity beyond the event
Follow-up Immediately After The ForumSign a Petition Ensure that the petition is placed in a prominent location

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