Разделы презентаций

We` re going to go on holidays


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1We` re going to go on holidays.

We` re going to go on holidays.

Слайд 2



Слайд 3



Слайд 4 To

be going to….. (собираться что-то


I am going to catch lots of fish

She is going to wear sun hat

He is going to take flippers

We are going to go on holidays

To be going to…..

Слайд 5 To

be going to……

To be going to……

Слайд 7 Fill into the gaps ( am,

is, are)
Hello! My name is Lulu. I like salad and

I don`t like tea and pizza. My sister and I …..going to go on holidays.
I …..going to catch fish, she……going to wear sun hat.
We ……going to have a picnic . We …..going to go to the beach.
….you going to go on holidays?
Fill into the gaps ( am, is, are)Hello! My name is Lulu. I

Слайд 8 Are you going to…?

Are you going to…?

Слайд 9 Short answer
Am I

going to run?

Yes? I am/ No, I am not

Is he/she/it going to play football? Yes, he/she/it is.
No , he/she/it is not

Are you/ we/they going to read books? Yes, we/they are.
No, we/they are not
Short answerAm I going to run?

Слайд 10Выберите правильную форму глагола to be: am, is или are.
She….going to have a birthday party.   
Tom … going

to have a picnic.
I …. going to go on holidays.   
They … going

to go to England.
My sister ….going to do English Homework.
It …. going to swim and dive.

Выберите правильную форму глагола to be: am, is или are.  She….going to have a birthday party.   Tom … going to have a picnic.I …. going to

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