Разделы презентаций

What are they doing?

They are playing computer.They are watching TV.They are dancing.What are they doing?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What are they doing?

What are they doing?

Слайд 2They are playing computer.
They are watching TV.
They are dancing.
What are

they doing?

They are playing computer.They are watching TV.They are dancing.What are they doing?

Слайд 3They are playing sport.
They are dancing.
They are having dinner.
What are

they doing?

They are playing sport.They are dancing.They are having dinner.What are they doing?

Слайд 4They are playing Football.
They are singing.
They are sleeping.
What are

they doing?

They are playing Football. They are singing.They are sleeping.What are they doing?

Слайд 5She is singing.
She is doing her homework.
She is crying.
What is

she doing?

She is singing.She is doing her homework.She is crying.What is she doing?

Слайд 6He is writing.
He is listening to music.
He is having dinner.

is he doing?

He is writing.He is listening to music.He is having dinner.What is he doing?

Слайд 7What are they doing?

What are they doing?

Слайд 8He is cooking.
He is playing tennis.
He is reading
What is he


He is cooking.He is playing tennis.He is readingWhat is he doing?

Слайд 9She is shopping.
She is singing.
She is talking on the phone.

is she doing?

She is shopping.She is singing.She is talking on the phone.What is she doing?

Слайд 10They are drinking orange juice.

They are laughing.

They are eating

chocolate cake.
What are they doing?

They are drinking orange juice.They are laughing. They are eating chocolate cake.What are they doing?

Слайд 11He is cleaning the house.
He is reading newspaper.
He is having

What is he doing?

He is cleaning the house.He is reading newspaper.He is having lunch.What is he doing?

Слайд 12She is sleeping.
She is jumping.
She is writing.
What is she doing?

She is sleeping.She is jumping.She is writing.What is she doing?

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