Слайд 1What is netiquette?
Netiquette - the so called rules adopted by
the Internet.
Of course, here as in the real world, these
rules admit not all. Some simply forget about them, others consider themselves sufficiently experienced to ignore these rules, others somehow convinced that netiquette - this is another attempt to limit individual freedom on the Internet. Netiket - it's just the rules of good form, most of whose people invented long ago.
Слайд 2Remember that you talk with people.
Defend your point of view,
but do not insult navkolyshnih. Vy can not gesticulate, change
the tone and facial expression does not play any role. Words, only words written by you - that's all. seeing your interlocutor. When you speak with someone in cyberspace, remember that your words are recorded. maybe they will remain there, where you will not be able to get. In other words, your words can come back and hurt you.
Слайд 3Stick the same rules as in real life
In real life
most of us obey the law and morality. In cyberspace, people
sometimes forget that "on screen" is a live person, and think that online rules of conduct are not as severe as in everyday life.
Слайд 4Remember where you are
Netyket varies from computer to computer, from
forum to forum and that is accepted without hesitation in
one place may be taken as rude in another.
Слайд 5Keep your own dignity
You will be judged by how you
write. For those who are in the World Wide Web is
important. Do not insult people, be patient and polite. Do not use profanity, do not go to the conflict for the sake of conflict.
Слайд 6Vidnesitsya respect not only to her but to someone else's
If for some reason you want to remain anonymous, Confess
these rules and your companion. Moreover, it has the right to anonymity and privacy, even if you openly.
Слайд 7Do not overuse your abilities.
Some people in cyberspace feel professionals. It's
aces in online games, experts in every office, system administrators
and others. With wider knowledge than others, or with more extensive powers, these people automatically get preference. However, this does not mean that they can use it to harm others.
Слайд 8Learn proschavaty others their mistakes
Each was once a beginner. So when
someone admits a mistake - be lenient to them. Even
if "ruki itchy" answer, think twice. If you possess good manners, it means that you have a license for the teaching of manners to others. And do not be excessive.