Разделы презентаций

What makes a good teacher?

How to be a good teacher?Teaching is like fishing…We use different lunes for different fish.We use different methods for different learners.Teaching is like beautiful music…When played along they make sound.When played

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What makes a good teacher?

What makes a good teacher?

Слайд 2How to be a good teacher?
Teaching is like fishing…
We use

different lunes for different fish.
We use different methods for different

Teaching is like beautiful music…
When played along they make sound.
When played together in tune, rhythm they become amazing music.
How to be a good teacher?Teaching is like fishing…We use different lunes for different fish.We use different

Слайд 5What makes a good teacher(1)?
Rate the following teacher qualities in

order of importance?
A. They are good looking.
B. They

are entertaining.
C. They can control the class.
D. They give interesting classes.
E. They know their students.
F. They can keep control.
G. They prepare well.
H. They know their subject.

What makes a good teacher(1)?Rate the following teacher qualities in order of importance? 	A. They are good

Слайд 24What are the best kinds of lessons?(1)
Please complete the followings:

1. When I was at school, the best lessons were…

2. The best lesson I have ever observed was ….
3. I think the best kind lessons that I can give are …
Score the followings:
1.Good Ts keep the students guessing what they are going to do next.
2. The worst kind of T is the one who does the same thing every class.
3. Good Ts always look smart.
4. Good Ts are always interesting.

What are the best kinds of lessons?(1)Please complete the followings: 1. When I was at school, the

Слайд 25What are the best kinds of lessons?(2)
What are the greatest

enemies in teaching in class?
What makes the Ss bored?
How to

make the lessons successfully?
(1)Breaking the rules
(2)Giving the Ss a star
(3)Stimulating the Ss with varied diets(unexpected variety)
(4)Avoiding too much chopping and changing(predictable
What are the best kinds of lessons?(2)What are the greatest enemies in teaching in class?What makes the

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