Разделы презентаций

What to prepare before the lesson!!! 1.Laminated group info + attendance


Things to do:1.Socks/Shoe covers2.Stationery boxes3.Copybooks to sign4.Who is on duty?(+1 more club)Laminated group info:Question from WhatsApp:Are you a happy person? What makes you feel happy?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What to prepare before the lesson!!!
1.Laminated group info+ attendance records+students’

2.Print: crib “Chall-2” p.30,31+school programmes+test !

What to prepare before the lesson!!!1.Laminated group info+ attendance records+students’ records2.Print: crib “Chall-2” p.30,31+school programmes+test !

Слайд 5Things to do:
1.Socks/Shoe covers

2.Stationery boxes

3.Copybooks to sign

4.Who is on duty?

more club)
Laminated group info:
Question from WhatsApp:
Are you a happy person?

What makes you feel happy?
Things to do:1.Socks/Shoe covers2.Stationery boxes3.Copybooks to sign4.Who is on duty?(+1 more club)Laminated group info:Question from WhatsApp:Are you

Слайд 6Question from WhatsApp:
Are you a happy person?
What makes you

feel happy?

I would say that…
It seems to me that…
Speaking personally….

if you ask me…

Warm up speaking

Question from WhatsApp:Are you a happy person? What makes you feel happy?I would say that…It seems to

Слайд 8Home task: Выдаётся на уроке
в понедельник 05.10.2020 / вторник

06.10.2020 Сделать на среду 07.10.2020 /четверг 08.10.2020

1.Chall-2-w.b-p.28(All the page!)
2.Write your email and

send it to VK!!!

Your Home task:

Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в понедельник 05.10.2020 / вторник 06.10.2020 Сделать на среду 07.10.2020 /четверг 08.10.20201.Chall-2-w.b-p.28(All the

Слайд 11Мы на соревновании.

Там есть на что посмотреть.

Вы можете увидеть некоторые

лучших мест на прикрепленной

Он пишет слова, а я создаю


Наша школа в интересном районе.

Выиграем или проиграем, мы
очень ждем встречи с тобой!

С лучшими пожеланиями, Рори

Vocabulary revision

Мы на соревновании.Там есть на что посмотреть.Вы можете увидеть некоторыеиз лучших мест на прикрепленнойкарте. Он пишет слова,

Слайд 121.Play in teams.
2.There is a pile of cards: Гадалка
3.One by

one choose the card and show it in front of

the camera.
4.If you reject, your team loses the points.
5.You have got 5 min. Who can get more points (1 more club)?
1.Play in teams.2.There is a pile of cards: Гадалка3.One by one choose the card and show it

Слайд 14Ex.1


Слайд 16Let’s check your e-mails and
vote for the best!!

Let’s check your e-mails and vote for the best!!



Слайд 18What’s my neighbor doing?
Oh, he is taking a shower.

What’s my neighbor doing?Oh, he is taking a shower.CHECKNEXT3/20

Слайд 19What’s my neighbor doing?
Oh, he is cooking.

What’s my neighbor doing?Oh, he is cooking.CHECKNEXT7/20

Слайд 20What are my neighbors doing?
Oh, they are having breakfast.

What are my neighbors doing?Oh, they are having breakfast.CHECKNEXT4/20

Слайд 21What’s my neighbor doing?
Oh, he is washing the dishes.

What’s my neighbor doing?Oh, he is washing the dishes.CHECKNEXT8/20

Слайд 22What are my neighbors doing?
Oh, they are dancing.

What are my neighbors doing?Oh, they are dancing.CHECKNEXT10/20

Слайд 23What’s my neighbor doing?
Oh, he is talking on the phone.

What’s my neighbor doing?Oh, he is talking on the phone.CHECKNEXT18/20

Слайд 24What’s my neighbor doing?
Oh, he is feeding the dog.

What’s my neighbor doing?Oh, he is feeding the dog.CHECKNEXT12/20

Слайд 25Miss Irene’s warming up before the tongue twister!
Sherry is watching

and hoping for the best!

Miss Irene’s warming up before the tongue twister!Sherry is watching and hoping for the best!

Слайд 27Pronunciation practice!

Pronunciation practice!

Слайд 28Pronunciation practice!

Pronunciation practice!

Слайд 29Speaking: Exam
Do you like these different hobbies?

Speaking: ExamDo you like these different hobbies?

Слайд 30KET-Video listening

KET-Video listening

Слайд 31Your competition in teams!!!

Your competition in teams!!!

Слайд 32Your competition in teams!!!

Your competition in teams!!!

Слайд 33Your competition in teams!!!

Your competition in teams!!!

Слайд 35The mysterious Island or Jumanji

The mysterious Island or Jumanji

Слайд 36The power of grammar

The power of grammar

Слайд 38Home task: Выдаётся на уроке
в среду 07.10.2020 / четверг

08.10.2020 Сделать на понедельник 12.10.2020 /вторник 13.10.2020

1. Dictation p.30 (prep.copying!!)
2. WB p.30

(do all)
3. KET exercise do
Home task: Выдаётся на уроке в среду 07.10.2020 / четверг 08.10.2020 Сделать на понедельник 12.10.2020 /вторник 13.10.20201. Dictation

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Email: Нажмите что бы посмотреть 

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