Разделы презентаций

What? Where? When? By Artem Morozov


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 21


Слайд 3A woman entered a department store and filled her shopping

cart to the top. She left the store without paying

yet no one tried to stop her or call the police. Why?

start timer


The woman was an employee of the department store. She filled her shopping cart with trash and left the store to take it to the dumpster.

A woman entered a department store and filled her shopping cart to the top. She left the

Слайд 4A man was in a dark room. He had a

great time. Suddenly, he stopped breathing and couldn’t speak. In

a few seconds he could breathe again. What happened?

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The man was in the cinema. He drank some lemonade and choked.

A man was in a dark room. He had a great time. Suddenly, he stopped breathing and

Слайд 5When a man came to work, he drove his car

in a circle four times before he finally parked it

and entered his office building. Why did the man drive in circles?

start timer


When a man came to work, he drove his car in a circle four times before he

Слайд 6Every two weeks a man sat down and wrote two

words on 60 sheets of paper. Why did he do


start timer


The man owned a small business with 60 employees. He signed his name on their payroll checks.

Every two weeks a man sat down and wrote two words on 60 sheets of paper. Why

Слайд 7David entered a restaurant where a crowd of people were

enjoying a meal. When the people saw David, they dropped

their forks and ran away. What happened?

start timer


David was the name of a big snake who escaped from the local zoo.

David entered a restaurant where a crowd of people were enjoying a meal. When the people saw

Слайд 8A man lived in a very tall building. He jumped

out the window. He survived the fall with no injuries.

How did he do this?

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The man jumped out of the first-floor window, which was only 2 meters high.

A man lived in a very tall building. He jumped out the window. He survived the fall

Слайд 9Three men entered a room but only two walked out.

The room was empty. Where is the third man?
start timer

third man was in a wheelchair, so he rolled out of the room instead of walking out.
Three men entered a room but only two walked out. The room was empty. Where is the

Слайд 10A woman came home after a party and couldn’t open

the door. This was her house, but the doorknob didn’t

turn, and she couldn’t get inside. What happened?

start timer


She lost her keys

A woman came home after a party and couldn’t open the door. This was her house, but

Слайд 11I was a hot Sunday afternoon. A woman saw a

very angry tiger in the distance. Instead of hiding, the

woman began to run towards the tiger. Why didn't she run away?

start timer


She was in the zoo

I was a hot Sunday afternoon. A woman saw a very angry tiger in the distance. Instead

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