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Winemaking In Russia. Problems of planting new vineyards and growing your own

Wines Of Russia. Place in the worldRussia ranks:12th place among wine producers in the world - 4.7 million chl.27th place in the consumption of wine per year per man (2018) -

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Winemaking In Russia. Problems of planting new vineyards and growing

your own planting material in the Crimea.

Winemaking In Russia. Problems of planting new vineyards and growing your own planting material in the Crimea.

Слайд 2Wines Of Russia. Place in the world
Russia ranks:

12th place among

wine producers in the world - 4.7 million chl.

27th place

in the consumption of wine per year per man (2018) - 3.5 l. (in the USSR up to 16L.)

52% of sales according to online cash registers.
Wines Of Russia. Place in the worldRussia ranks:12th place among wine producers in the world - 4.7

Слайд 3Wines Of Russia. Vineyards
Grapes are grown in the southern Federal


The undisputed leaders are the Krasnodar region and the Republic

of Crimea (90% of all wines in the country);

First of all, wines from the Crimea are world famous
Wines Of Russia. VineyardsGrapes are grown in the southern Federal district;The undisputed leaders are the Krasnodar region

Слайд 4Wines Of Russia. History
1613 the first vineyard is broken

in the territory of modern Astrakhan region by orders of

Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the economy was called "a real garden for the court of the sovereign".
1878 Foundation Prince Lev Golitsyn farm «Новый Свет".
1960e the area of landings in the Crimea reaches 160,000 hectares
1986 «Prohibition».
1993 the area of vineyards of the Crimea is not more than 60,000 hectares and continues to decline
2015 the area of vineyards is reduced to 16,500 hectares
Wines Of Russia. History 1613 the first vineyard is broken in the territory of modern Astrakhan region

Слайд 5Wines Of Russia. Classification
The Wine Law
By the end of 2019,

it is planned to adopt the law "on the development

of viticulture and winemaking in Russia".

Wines Of Russia. ClassificationThe Wine LawBy the end of 2019, it is planned to adopt the law

Слайд 6Wines Of Russia. Crimea
The area of planting grapes in the

mid-1960s-about 160,000 hectares
The area of grape planting in 2019 is

18,500 hectares, of which 46% are older than 20 years
The area of fallopian vineyards in 2018 - does not exceed 100 hectares
Planting material:
Federal state budgetary institution of science "Order of the red banner of Labor Nikitsky Botanical garden - national scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
In the SevSU opened the specialty of Viticulture and winemaking, vineyard Management and wineries
Wines Of Russia. Crimea The area of planting grapes in the mid-1960s-about 160,000 hectaresThe area of grape



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