Разделы презентаций

Work on a given topic : "What can people do during self-isolation "

Board games The most common games for families on self-isolation - are board games. board games, such as chess and scrabble, will make you think, and the monopoly will crush the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Work on a given topic:"What can people do during

Performed- Dmitriy Sergeychuk-Ilchenko

Work   on a given topic:

Слайд 2Board games
The most common games for families on self-isolation

- are board games. board games, such as chess and

scrabble, will make you think, and the monopoly will crush the excellent businessman in you
Board games The most common games for families on self-isolation - are board games. board games, such

Слайд 3Сomputer games
Сomputer games are the most common games with

friends on self-isolation. There are games for every taste -

from shooters like CS-GO, to strategies like Warcraft. Simply put, everyone will find their
Сomputer games Сomputer games are the most common games with friends on self-isolation. There are games for

Слайд 4Pets
move away from games. Self-isolation is a great opportunity to

train your pets, and also spend more time with them

and blow out more attention than usual
Pets move away from games. Self-isolation is a great opportunity to train your pets, and also spend

Слайд 5New hobby
I have long wanted to learn how to

play the guitar, learn the basics of graphic design. Now

I have the best time to do it.
New hobby  I have long wanted to learn how to play the guitar, learn the basics

Слайд 6Sport
Of course, not all sports can be practiced on

self-isolation. Run for example, in the apartment will not succeed,

unless you have a treadmill. But for example, no one forbade push-ups and squats!
Sport  Of course, not all sports can be practiced on self-isolation. Run for example, in the

Слайд 7 Virtual travel
using VR technology you can travel the world, visit

museums and exhibitions, visit the largest cities in the world

without leaving your home!
Virtual travelusing VR technology you can travel the world, visit museums and exhibitions, visit the largest

Слайд 8 Сreation
This is a great way to unlock your inner potential

and gain a new, interesting experience. This is the Field

for Experiments - that the first thing that comes to mind is what you do: from scrapbooking to video editing.
СreationThis is a great way to unlock your inner potential and gain a new, interesting experience.

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