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World's Largest Lesson ENG

World’s Largest Lesson

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2World’s Largest Lesson

World’s Largest Lesson

Слайд 3#largestlesson


Слайд 4«What are the biggest problems faced by people worldwide?»

«What are the biggest problems faced by people worldwide?»

Слайд 5• Poverty • Inequality between countries • Hunger • Poor health and disease •

Dirty water • Lack of sanitation • Poor education – some children

can’t go to school • Low-paying and not enough jobs • Low economic growth – countries do not earn enough money to pay for everything their people need • Gender inequality – men and women are treated differently and not given the same opportunities • War, fighting and instability • People don’t feel safe • Violence between people • Corruption and injustice • No respect for human rights • Countries never work together or
agree on anything
• Not enough energy for everyone to live comfortably • Weak infrastructures, poor technology and communications • Un-safe towns and cities • Unsustainable cities that consume more than the world can produce • There’s too much wastage of resources and not enough re-cycling • Climate change • Polluted seas and oceans • Damaged habitats • We have limited access to technology and expensive mobile phones and computers • People don’t feel they are protected properly • Population growth • Obesity • Racism • Breakdown of communities

• Poverty • Inequality between countries • Hunger • Poor health and disease • Dirty water •

Слайд 8The Global Goals are important for me because ...

The Global Goals are important for me because ...

Слайд 9
Roman Fishchuk

Roman Fishchuk

Слайд 10#ThankYouFLEX


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