Разделы презентаций

Writing My favourite photo

My father gave me a digital camera as a birthday present last year and I took up a new hobby – taking pictures. 1. Introduction Wherever I go I take photos

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Writing

My favourite photo

WritingMy favourite photo

Слайд 2My father gave me a digital camera as a birthday

present last year and I took up a new hobby

– taking pictures.

1. Introduction

Wherever I go I take photos that can remind me of the most unforgettable events.

Photography is my hobby, that’s why I’m fond of taking pictures. So, wherever I go, I take my camera with me.

My father gave me a digital camera as a birthday present last year and I took up

Слайд 3I took this picture 2 years ago.
I remember for

sure it was ( in May, in spring …).
Besides, I

can say this photo was taken
when I was( doing smth.)

2) when you took the picture

I took this picture 2 years ago. I remember for sure it was ( in May, in

Слайд 43) description
- who/what is in the photo

- what is happening

In the photo you can see

… .
In the foreground of the photo… .
Also we can see … (opposite, near, next to, behind).
Moreover in the background there are …
I’m not really sure but I think these people are …
3) description- who/what is in the photo     - what is happeningIn the photo

Слайд 54) why you like this photo
I like this photo for

several reasons.

Firstly, I like the atmosphere of the photo.


I hope this picture will evoke good feelings in my friends.

Thirdly, I would like you to (do smth).

4) why you like this photoI like this photo for several reasons. Firstly, I like the atmosphere

Слайд 65. Conclusion
In conclusion, I think that you will like

the picture and will share my thoughts.

Finally, I have

chosen this photo because to my mind it is … .

I keep the photo in my album because it is … Besides, it is …
5. Conclusion In conclusion, I think that you will like the picture and will share my thoughts.

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